Thursday, December 1, 2011

Microwave Ovens - The Radiation Travels Further Than You Think

Microwave Ovens - The Radiation Travels Further Than You Think Video Clips. Duration : 4.45 Mins. Microwave Oven Radiation Developing Electro sensitivity can result in some life changing symptoms that range from irritability, headaches, tiredness, sleeping disturbances, disequilibrium, visual problems to cardiovascular disruptions. Long-term exposure can cause chronic fatigue, and other chronic conditions. Did you know that the microwave oven sitting in your kitchen could be responsible for these symptoms? Can A Microwave Oven Cause Electrosensitivity? You have probably heard that a person becomes electrosensitive through constant exposure to electromagnetic radiation from electronic and wireless devices such as computers, cell phones and Wi-Fi hotspots. But these devices are only some of the technologies that emit this dangerous radiation microwave ovens emit the same form of electromagnetic radiation as cell phones, they are just as deadly. The Invisible Dangers Of Electromagnetic Pollution The electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that are produced by microwave ovens and wireless devices radiate around us in many frequencies from extremely low frequency fields (ELFs) to the much higher frequencies radio frequencies (RFs) also known as microwave radiation, that emit from cell phones, wireless electronics and microwave ovens! The Build Up Of Electromagnetic Radiation All these frequencies travel though the air and have come to be called Electrosmog. Our bodies' nervous system is severely affected by these unnatural electromagnetic fields. This has been ...

Tags: Microwave ovens, Microwave oven radiation, Electrical radiation, Electromagnetic pollution, Electrosmog, measure radiation, electromagnetic sickness, Hypersensitivity syndrome, Fatigue syndrome, Frequency radiation, Cell Phone Towers, Mobile Phone Masts, Emf meter, Gauss meter, Wi-Fi, Radio waves, Wireless connections, Cell Phone Tower Danger, Cell phone radiation, emfs in the home, Wireless devices, Electromagnetic radiation, electrosensitivity, Radiation, Protection

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