Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wegman's Lobsterfest Cruelty

Wegman's Lobsterfest Cruelty Video Clips. Duration : 1.05 Mins.

Wegman's Lobsterfest 2011. Wegmans has come up with an ingenious marketing idea. They take live lobsters out of their tank and drop them on a bed of ice for your viewing and choosing pleasure. At first glance you might not think that there's anything wrong with this. But look at what's really happening. They are laying on ice, slowing suffocating to death. How enticing... Facts about Lobsters and pain: Lobsters do have a central nervous system and feel pain just like you and I, but here is the difference. Lobsters do not have an autonomic nervous system which means that they cannot go into shock and have their pain stop. They feel pain right up until the very end. No creature, man nor beast deserves this type of treatment.

Keywords: Wegmans, NY, lobster, animal cruelty, cruelty, suffocating, seafood, lobsterfest, pain, suffering, vegan, vegetarian, activist, protest, petition, fest

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