Monday, February 13, 2012

Big Pharma

Big Pharma Video Clips. Duration : 9.63 Mins.

Along with the CIA, the Illuminati, the Zionist Council, and the Skull and Bones, no single idea so obsesses those people on the fringe who call themselves truthers as large pharmaceutical companies, or, as they are ubiquitously known: Big Pharma. When the name is invoked, we know what is coming is a scathing indictment of a shadow evil entity. Whether the discussion is about the cost of health care or whether drugs or vaccines are safe, or why alternative medicine is being suppressed from mainstream use. It's very useful to have a scapegoat to blame the world's problems on, and there have been some breathtakingly amoral actions taken by individuals on behalf of certain pharmaceutical companies. I'd like to review a few facts about the real pharmaceutical industry. I will attempt to be somewhat neutral in tone, although I fully expect to be attacked from both sides as a result. As often as possible, I will give objective facts and let the viewer decide what to make of it but I do intend to editorialize a bit at the end. My goal here is to be thought provoking, to spark reasonable discussion.

Tags: Big, Pharma, pharmaceutical, industry, Pfizer, corporate, profit, medical, drug, alternative, medicine

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