Saturday, February 4, 2012

Breathing: An Ideal Marriage of the Nervous and Respiratory Systems

The Nervous System & The Respiratory Regulation Mechanism

The nervous system controls the flow of air into and out of the lungs. The nervous system ensures that the unconscious breathing process is carried out in a quarterly pattern and rate.

Nervous System Facts

The respiratory centre: The respiratory process begins in this centre placed in the brain stem. The centre is made up of a clump of nerve cells. Simultaneous signals are dispatched by these cells to rib muscles, the diaphragm, and those muscles that are complicated in inhalation.
The diaphragm: It is a dome-shaped muscle. This large tissue lies just under the lungs. When a nervous impulse stimulates the diaphragm, it flattens. When the diaphragm makes a downward movement, the stomach cavity volume gets expanded. The cavity consists of the thoracic cavity which includes the lungs. And as the rib muscles get stimulated, they too contract. As a result, the rib cage is pulled up and out. This movement further expands the thoracic cavity. Such wide volume causes air to rush into the thoracic cavity and then to the lungs.
The fast and brief nervous stimulation also aids the exhalation process. This exhalation process takes place as the nervous stimulation ceases. As a consequence thereof, the rib muscles and the diaphragm and relax propelling the exhalation stage.

Breathing: An Ideal Marriage of the Nervous and Respiratory Systems

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Insomnia fact sheet Overview

Insomnia fact sheet

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder. If you have insomnia, you may:

Lie awake for a long time and have trouble falling asleep
Wake up a lot and have trouble returning to sleep
Wake up too early in the morning
Feel like you haven’t slept at all
Lack of or poor quality sleep causes other symptoms that can affect daytime function. You may feel very sleepy and have low energy throughout the day. You may have trouble thinking clearly or staying focused. Or, you might feel depressed or irritable.

Insomnia is defined as short and poor quality sleep that affects your functioning during the day. Although the amount of sleep a person needs varies, most people need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night to feel refreshed.

Insomnia can be mild to severe and varies in how often it occurs and how long it lasts. Acute insomnia is a short-term sleep problem that is generally related to a stressful or traumatic life event and lasts from a few days to a few weeks. Acute insomnia might happen from time to time. With chronic insomnia, sleep problems occur at least 3 nights a week for more than a month.

Insomnia tends to increase as women and men age.

in this book

What is insomnia?
What are the different types of insomnia and what causes them?
Do more women than men have insomnia?
How is insomnia diagnosed?
How is insomnia treated?
What can I do to sleep better?
More information on insomnia

Insomnia fact sheet Specifications

Insomnia fact sheet

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder. If you have insomnia, you may:

Lie awake for a long time and have trouble falling asleep
Wake up a lot and have trouble returning to sleep
Wake up too early in the morning
Feel like you haven’t slept at all
Lack of or poor quality sleep causes other symptoms that can affect daytime function. You may feel very sleepy and have low energy throughout the day. You may have trouble thinking clearly or staying focused. Or, you might feel depressed or irritable.

Insomnia is defined as short and poor quality sleep that affects your functioning during the day. Although the amount of sleep a person needs varies, most people need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night to feel refreshed.

Insomnia can be mild to severe and varies in how often it occurs and how long it lasts. Acute insomnia is a short-term sleep problem that is generally related to a stressful or traumatic life event and lasts from a few days to a few weeks. Acute insomnia might happen from time to time. With chronic insomnia, sleep problems occur at least 3 nights a week for more than a month.

Insomnia tends to increase as women and men age.

in this book

What is insomnia?
What are the different types of insomnia and what causes them?
Do more women than men have insomnia?
How is insomnia diagnosed?
How is insomnia treated?
What can I do to sleep better?
More information on insomnia

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 04, 2012 20:05:19

Rate Of Signals

Generally, the respiratory center gives out 12 to 20 signals every minute. This means that a normal someone breathes 12 to 20 times within 60 seconds. The newborn babies breathe practically 30 to 50 times in a minute.

Conscious Alteration Of The Respiratory System

Conscious actions can control the rhythm of the respiratory system. In fact, many yogic exercises underline the need for a someone to rehearsal quarterly control of the complicated respiratory system via known efforts. This known act helps the someone implicated to develop his physical constitution and also the reasoning outlook.

Such known alteration or temporary abatement of the respiratory system is done by holding or controlling the breath. Some parts of the nervous system come into play in such an act. The portion of the brain aiding the reasoning process (cerebral cortex) has a major role to play. It sends signals to the rib muscles and the diaphragm for temporarily overriding the respiratory center signals. A someone can avoid inhaling noxious fumes by holding his breath. However, a someone cannot hold his breath for an indefinite period.

What Happens When There Is No Exhalation

When exhalation does not take place, our blood builds up a dangerous buffer stock of carbon dioxide. This accumulation makes the blood more acidic. Hiked acidity conflicts with the enzyme activity. The enzymes are specialized proteins participating in practically all biochemical reactions within our body.

Chemoreceptors: special receptors called chemoreceptors forestall the blood from getting too acidic. The chemoreceptors monitor the blood. The chemoreceptors are placed in the neck blood vessels and the brainstem.

When acid builds up in the blood, these chemoreceptors dispatch nervous signals to the respiratory center. The centre then overrides the cerebral cortex signals. This soldiery the someone to exhale and resume breathing. Exhalations bring back the normal level of the blood acid after throwing out the carbon dioxide. Immediately inhalation brings in oxygen.

What Prevents Over-Inhalation?

Specialized cells called the stretch receptors forestall the possibility of over-inhalation. These stretch cells are placed in the lungs. The stretch receptors portion the volume of air within our lungs. The moment inhalation crosses the danger level, these stretch receptors flicks out signals to the respiratory center. The centre immediately shuts down the inhalation muscles and stops the air intake process.

The Nervous System

The nervous system is constituted of two processes. They are the central and the peripheral nervous systems. The central nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord.

The Central Nervous System

The central nervous system processes and coordinates the incoming sensory information and the outgoing motor commands. The central nervous system is also the seat of complicated brain functions such as emotion, learning, memory, and intelligence.

The Peripheral Nervous System

The peripheral nervous system includes all neural tissue beyond the central nervous system. The peripheral nervous system provides sensory information to the central nervous system. The peripheral nervous system also carries motor commands to the body's tissues.

The somatic nervous system: Voluntary motor commands, such as piquant the muscles for walking or talking, are controlled by the somatic nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system: determines the involuntary motor commands, such as digestion and heart beat. The autonomic nervous system is further divided into two systems, viz., the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.

The sympathetic nervous system: The sympathetic nervous system is also called the "flight or fight" system. It increases prepares our body for quick responses to unusual situations, activates alertness, and stimulates tissue.

The parasympathetic nervous system: The parasympathetic nervous system has just the opposite function. The parasympathetic nervous system is called the "repose and rest" system. It conserves controls the sedentary activities like digestion and also preserves our energy.

Therefore, the Nervous System refers to those elements that are implicated with the reception of stimuli, the transmission of nerve impulses, or the activation of muscle mechanisms in an animal organism.

Breathing: An Ideal Marriage of the Nervous and Respiratory Systems"The Macroprudential Toolkit: Measurement and Analysis" - 12/2/2011 Afternoon Video Clips. Duration : 253.20 Mins.

As part of the Administration's ongoing work to implement Wall Street Reform legislation, the Office of Financial Research and the Financial Stability Oversight Council hosted a conference, entitled "The Macroprudential Toolkit: Measurement and Analysis," on December 1-2, 2011 in Washington, DC. This conference brought together thought leaders from the financial regulatory community, academia, public interest groups, and the financial services industry to discuss data and technology issues and analytical approaches for assessing, monitoring and mitigating threats to financial stability. The conference will provide an additional opportunity for coordination and collaboration in the broader efforts to effectively implement financial reform legislation and help prevent future financial crises.


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