Monday, February 27, 2012

YES-We Are Under Attack 1 The Start

YES-We Are Under Attack 1 The Start Video Clips. Duration : 8.05 Mins.

Consider these clips named YES we are under attack 1 to 6 as a whole, it is then blatantly obvious we are being attacked and face a daily onslaught never before perpetrated against so many people. It is also obvious that our governments are complicit in these attacks. ASPARTAME -- Originally made as RAT POISON. Aspartame attacks and destroys the nervous system. Caused so many deaths and brain tumours in trials that it was unable to pass FDA safety regulations despite many tries and falsification of test results Only managed to slip into the food chain as a favour to war criminal DONALD RUMSFELD while the FDA was closed due to the firing of it's CO. NEVER tested in Europe, just presumed OK as went on sale in US. In thousands of products on our supermarket shelves and in all diet products. YES our government is aware of these facts; hence we must consider ourselves under attack and fight back while we can. Please join the FIGHT now before you or your children are a victim of this and all the other poisons being foisted on us on a daily basis. WE CAN HALT THIS ONSLAUGHT Recently ASDA has removed all products containing aspartame from its own brand foods. This was due to customer pressure, customer pressure can and does prevail if there is enough demand. It is imperative that all stores receive emails or calls from as many people as possible to encourage them to follow ASDA lead

Keywords: Aspertame, fluoride, msg, gm, foods, poison, forced, vaccines, evil, government, chemtrails, sky, depopulation, nwo

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