Monday, January 30, 2012

Wildlife and Deforestation

Deforestation has been a huge controversy with environmentalists. Many people argue the benefits of deforestation, but they look past the negative effects it does have. people who maintain deforestation may search for the economic benefits of deforestation. Deforestation may have economic benefits, but despite that, the negatives greatly outweigh the positives. Deforestation destroys natural habitats for animals. When a species' natural habitat is gone, it becomes hard for that species to adapt- causing extinction. The greatest effect of deforestation is a major decrease in biodiversity.

In the article, Benefits of Deforestation, Nathalie Fiset mainly focuses on the economic benefits of deforestation. She claims that lumber products are one of the most garage constructive materials in human society, and that humans cannot live without lumber products (Fiset). That is true to a determined extent, but we are evolving into a paperless society. Nowadays, practically everything is run electronically. For example, people can pay practically any bill online now; there is no paper complicated in that. Also, when people vote, they do it electronically. There are no more paper ballots. There is no intuit to have to cut down so many trees when the human society is studying to live without paper products. Most paper clubs today use recycled materials, not trees.

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Another point that Fiset makes is that deforestation can generate many jobs. She states that when environmentalists go against deforestation, it causes many people working with lumber products to lose those jobs (Fiset). When deforestation is looked at in perspective, is it of course worth it? people can all the time get up and find someone else job. When these people destroy the homes of millions, those animals have nowhere else to go. It is harder for animals to just go find a new home. It takes generations to adapt to new surroundings. When these workers lose their jobs there are many eco-friendly jobs that these workers could go into. For example, they could monitor the forests and wildlife instead of cutting down trees and destroying natural habitats. someone else job alternative is to work for a paper recycling company. Instead of cutting down trees, they can be rescue trees by recycling used paper. Instead of destroying natural habitats, these workers could be working for a firm that stands for something good.

Wildlife and Deforestation

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Several prescription drugs are currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Treating the symptoms of Alzheimer’s can provide patients with comfort, dignity, and independence for a longer period of time and can encourage and assist their caregivers as well.

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Fiset believes that when clubs destroy a forest that they can of course make up for what they lost by planting more trees in the place of old ones (Fiset). When lumberjacks cut down trees, they cannot naturally just plant more trees and leave it at that. In one single forest there are assorted types of trees and it takes hundreds of years to generate a voluminous forest that largely supports biodiversity and all the wildlife residing in it. Ordinarily when forests are destroyed, clubs plants only one or two species of trees to make up for what they removed. determined animals need a definite tree to live or raise a family. When humans plant only one single tree, it might be hard for them to adapt, finally causing extinction. When natural habitats are demolished to nothing most animals get killed in the process or some of them flee. When the animals return, however, their home is thoroughly gone. For example, many birds that had nests in the different species of trees that were destroyed, now has to raise its family in an open field just asking for a predator to eat this birds offspring. This happens because they cannot adapt speedily sufficient to maintain themselves in this new tree. When a species goes extinct, there is no going back. Once they are gone, they are gone for good.

The last claim she makes is that destroying forests could help find more natural resources, such as oil, natural gas, and coal (Fiset). The automobile industry is starting a new revolution with more fuel effective and eco-friendly cars. The United States is gradually leaning away from natural, non-renewable resources. The effects from burning coal greatly impacted global warming with a dramatic decrease of O-Zone levels, which protect the Earth from harmful Uv rays from the sun. As a result, coal is not a major thing we should be looking for. There are so many other ways of electricity too. There is wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, hydraulic energy, and tidal wave energy. All of those energy sources do not have a need for natural resources, and they are all renewable and cause puny to no damage to the Earth. If deforestation keeps going down the road it is going, then many more species will be diminished.

In the Amazon forest, there are thousands of different organisms. One determined study done by scientists was to record how the stingless bee adapted with deforestation. According to the article, these determined species of bees are leading to not only the environment, but also with humans economically and culturally. Many people would say that bees are not important, but for people living in the Amazon and areas nearby the Amazon, bees are sacred. Some people even think these stingless bees as pets. The stingless bee produces honey which has a range of different uses. people can obviously eat the honey or use it in determined recipes and they can use it to make Balché, which is an alcoholic beverage. someone else benefit of these bees is to pollinate farmer's crops. If there are no bees, then there are no crops which yield food that farmers need to sell.

In a study done on these stingless bees, scientists went to different areas of the Amazon that were being affected by deforestation and collected the bees to see how they were adapting to deforestation. As a result, they found seven different species of stingless bees, but only two of those species seemed to not be affected by deforestation (McCoy and Mushinski). So that means five of species of the stingless bee is vulnerable for extinction. This is just one example of how deforestation can destroy a species.

Another example of animals at risk because of deforestation is the ring-tailed lemurs. These monkeys live in Madagascar, but since the human people has been addition rapidly in Madagascar clubs are clearing forests and destroying the lemur's habitat. Many scientists believe that lemurs are what make a rainforest salutary (Butler). There are only about 50 species left of lemurs. Deforestation is putting a lot of pressure on these lemurs living in Madagascar. The evidence proves that there are so many different kinds of species being affected by deforestation ranging from bees to monkeys.

Clearing trees to build farms, cities, and homes just destroys natural habitats. Those are just the former effects. There are other effects of deforestation that most people look past. One example of a secondary effect of deforestation is the pollutants brought in to the forest. When a firm is clearing an acre of forest, they bring trucks in that deposit harmful pollutants in the wildlife. Researchers have found that thousands of harmful chemicals are introduced to the natural environment that disrupt the nervous, immune, endocrine, and gravidity cycles of animals that come in feel with these chemicals (Hose and Guillette 87). This also has a major effect on endangered species, because when affected with these pollutants, it can be hard for them to reproduce. This means that the people of the endangered species will not go up not manufacture it difficult at all to go extinct.

However, there are some solutions humans can make to help forestall harmful products from entering a natural environment. One resolution can be to keep very close observations on the toxins exposed to the environment. This will limit how much chemicals can pollute the environment and will set gravidity cycles back on track. someone else resolution can be knowledge of the chemicals that are being distributed into these environments. Once people know how bad these chemicals of course are, then they might stop using them. The last resolution is to generate model ecosystems, like resumption facilities, to help reform the endocrine system (Hose and Guillette 88-89).

Although deforestation has greatly impacted the wildlife, there are a few organizations trying to help some of the animals struggling in the wild. These organizations generate resumption programs for animals on the brink of extinction. Scientists can measure the success rate of these facilities, and the success rate is Ordinarily very high. It is easier to measure success one installation at a time (McCoy and Mushinski). Deforestation may be destroying the lives of some animals, but when humans take puny steps towards helping the natural environment is one step closer to finally helping an endangered species.

There are many examples of how deforestation can be beneficiary, but a lot are naturally looking at what they can do for humans. Supporters want to destroy habitats to find natural resources which can and will destroy this planet. Global warming is prevalent, and deforestation is just adding more fuel to the fire. Also, when destroying an acre of forest, that is millions of animals homes being destroyed. When the homes of these animals that live in those forests that are being cleared everyday are gone, they have no security for themselves and their offspring. This is a major problem for biodiversity. Each day thousands of species become extinct drastically decreasing the Earth's biodiversity. Deforestation has many benefits to humans, but it is a huge problem for the natural environment.

Butler, Rhett A. "Lemurs are Key to health of Madagascar's Rainforests." Mongabay. 2008. 5 May 2009.
Fiset, Nathalie. "Benefits of Deforestation." Ezinearticles. 30 April 2009.
Hose, J.E. & Guillette, L.J. "Defining the Role of Pollutants in the Distribution of gravidity in Wildlife." Environmental health Perspectives 103 (1995): 87-91. Jstor. Western Illinois University Library. 02 April 2009
Brown, Christopher J. And Albrecht, Christian. "The work on of Tropical Deforestation on Stingless Bees of the Genus Melipona." Journal of Biogeography. 28.5 (2001): 623-634. Jstor. Western Illinois University Library. 02 April 2009
McCoy, Earl D and Mushinski, Henry R. "Measuring the Success of Wildlife society Restoration." Ecological Applications. 12.6 (2002): 1861-1871. Jstor. Western Illinois University Library. 02 April 2009

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