Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sherlock Holmes - Adventure X:The Naval Treaty

Sherlock Holmes - Adventure X:The Naval Treaty Video Clips. Duration : 67.35 Mins.

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories, originally published in 1894, by Arthur Conan Doyle. Story No. 10 The Adventure of The Naval Treaty Read by Eric Leach.

Keywords: sherlock, holmes, audiobook, memoirs, listen, easy, fast, captions, probably, london, 19th, century, england, crime, investigation, dr, watson, police, scotland, yard, mistery

Monday, February 27, 2012

YES-We Are Under Attack 1 The Start

YES-We Are Under Attack 1 The Start Video Clips. Duration : 8.05 Mins.

Consider these clips named YES we are under attack 1 to 6 as a whole, it is then blatantly obvious we are being attacked and face a daily onslaught never before perpetrated against so many people. It is also obvious that our governments are complicit in these attacks. ASPARTAME -- Originally made as RAT POISON. Aspartame attacks and destroys the nervous system. Caused so many deaths and brain tumours in trials that it was unable to pass FDA safety regulations despite many tries and falsification of test results Only managed to slip into the food chain as a favour to war criminal DONALD RUMSFELD while the FDA was closed due to the firing of it's CO. NEVER tested in Europe, just presumed OK as went on sale in US. In thousands of products on our supermarket shelves and in all diet products. YES our government is aware of these facts; hence we must consider ourselves under attack and fight back while we can. Please join the FIGHT now before you or your children are a victim of this and all the other poisons being foisted on us on a daily basis. WE CAN HALT THIS ONSLAUGHT Recently ASDA has removed all products containing aspartame from its own brand foods. This was due to customer pressure, customer pressure can and does prevail if there is enough demand. It is imperative that all stores receive emails or calls from as many people as possible to encourage them to follow ASDA lead

Keywords: Aspertame, fluoride, msg, gm, foods, poison, forced, vaccines, evil, government, chemtrails, sky, depopulation, nwo

Friday, February 24, 2012

Why coffee and energy supplements are good for you

Why coffee and energy supplements are good for you Video Clips. Duration : 1.48 Mins.

twitter.com As the most potent chemical component in coffee or tea, we are all very aware of caffeine. Next time you're sitting around the coffee shop, enjoying a latte and perhaps talking about coffee in general, you can appear quite learned by tossing around these caffeine facts. The full chemical name for caffeine is 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine and its chemical formula is C8H10N4O2 Caffeine was first isolated from coffee in 1820 In its pure state, caffeine is a crystalline white powder Caffeine can be found in 60 different plants 10g of caffeine is considered a lethal dose It's the most popular drug in the world. Ninety percent of Americans consume it in some form every day Over 450000000 cups of coffee are consumed in the USA every day! Darkly roasted coffee has less caffeine than lightly roasted Contrary to popular belief, caffeine (or coffee) won't help someone sober up if they have had too much to drink How caffeine works Caffeine causes changes in the chemicals of your brain, mainly in 2 ways. It mimics adenosine, and binds to all the adenosine receptors in your brain. This prevents the real adenosine from doing its job, which happens to be the slowing down of nerve impulses and the causing of drowsiness. So your brain becomes more alert. Caffeine also increases the levels of dopamine in your brain, which improves your feeling of well-being and improves your mood. It's this dopamine effect that is the root of caffeine's nonaddictive propertiesSummary Considered ...

Tags: Caffeine, is, good, for, you, so, taurine

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pennsylvania Race to the Top Presentation

Pennsylvania Race to the Top Presentation Video Clips. Duration : 27.95 Mins.

Pennsylvania, one of 16 state finalists in Phase 1 of Race to the Top, made a presentation on its application to peer reviewers on March 16-17, 2010.

Keywords: ED.gov, usedgov, federal, agency, Department, Education, Arne, Duncan, Race, to, the, Top, Pennsylvania

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Great Price for $29.95

Motor Neuron Disease (The Facts) Best

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Motor Neuron Disease (The Facts) Overview

Motor neuron disease (MND) is a common but devastating disability that has a profound impact on people's lives. This book provides an easily-accessible guide to the disease for patients with motor neuron disease and their carers. The authors have organised it around a series of the commonest questions asked in their clinic, emphasising the variation in the course of MND and the individual nature of the patient journey through the disease. After an initial description of the symptoms for MND and how neurologists make the diagnosis the authors describe what is known about the causes and how scientists are trying to understand the disease. The book also looks at how a team of specialists can provide support and symptom control for the patient.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 21, 2012 22:52:26

Monday, February 20, 2012

bright Facts About Cocaine

Cocaine is one of the oldest known drugs but became beloved in the last two decades as the 'drug of the 80s and 90s'. It is a powerfully addictive stimulant that directly affects the brain. However, commonplace people know very exiguous facts about cocaine.

Facts about cocaine are as follows:

Nervous System Facts

It is a drug extracted from the leaves of the coca plant that has a strong stimulant result on the central nervous system of the body.

bright Facts About Cocaine

Just The Facts: The Human Body - Nervous System Best

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Just The Facts: The Human Body - Nervous System Overview


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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 20, 2012 22:18:05

In appearance it is a crystalline powder, white in color. On the street it is mixed with vitamins, cornstarch, flour or sugar and looks like a small rock with an off-white or pink color.

On the street cocaine is known by a variety of names such as, Coke, Dust, Toot, Line, Nose Candy, Powder, Girl, White Pony, Flake, C, The Lady, Cain, Neurocain, Rock, and Crack.

Cocaine is sniffed, snorted or smoked and in the deeply addict stage, injected.

Nearly 1 percent of Americans currently use cocaine, and they come from all social and economic levels. It is the second most beloved drug in the Us.

The drug gives the user a strong sense of exhilaration. Users ordinarily feel very energetic and euphoric, are alert and have a sense of invincibility. The effects regularly last for about two hours followed by a feeling of intense depression, anxiety and paranoia. This is accompanied by loss of appetite.

Cocaine is an very potent and very risky drug. It has any adverse effects that include insomnia, blurred vision, high anxiety, irritability and loss of appetite. Users are susceptible to cardiac arrest or respiratory failure preceded by seizures.

bright Facts About CocaineBlood Pressure: Causes and Factors Video Clips. Duration : 0.68 Mins.

Get the facts on regulating blood pressure (BP) with this 100%-accurate animated video. Part of Focus Apps' Understanding Disease: Cardiovascular Medicine series, the Regulation of Blood Pressure app discusses the factors in regulating BP, BP measurement, BP changes, and arising complications. Explore how the body regulates BP using the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Also learn about lifestyle modification to maintain normal BP. www.focusappsstore.net

Tags: Blood pressure, heart beat, blood vessels, reguklation of blood vessels, . Medical learning, Medical animation

Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to exercise your Nervous ideas

You rehearsal your cardio-vascular system with aerobics. You develop your muscular system with weight training. You watch your diet to avoid pollutants and provide nutrients. All these good things provide your body with condition and vitality. What's missing? Your brain.

You work your heart and muscles to enhance their condition and tone. You want to have a low resting heart rate and slow deep breathing all the time. rehearsal certainly helps all that. There is nothing good you can do for depression than regular exercise. But it's also very desirable to directly train the nervous system to operate efficiently and effectively. whatever can become more sane.

Nervous System Facts

When I tell you to rehearsal your brain I don't mean soduku and crossword puzzles. For practically everyone, stimulation is not the big issue. The question is inadequate capacity for leisure of the nervous system. I don't mean the kind of leisure that you get after bodily exhaustion or a few shots of tequila. I mean training the leisure response.

How to exercise your Nervous ideas

Head injury (The Facts) Best

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Head injury (The Facts) Overview

Head injury affects approximately 1 in 300 families in England and Wales. It happens 'out of the blue' - without warning and therefore can be a bewildering and frightening experience, and frequently has a dramatic and sometimes devastating effect on the lives of the people involved. The sudden onset and the uncertainty surrounding recovery means that head injury often presents families with a wide array of emotions such as fear, guilt and sadness. With no previous experiences to guide them, people with head injury and their families can feel overwhelmed.

This book begins with essential information about head injury including basic knowledge about the brain and how it is damaged. The book goes on to explore typical problems associated with a head injury and how to cope with specific issues. The third section provides support and guidance about how to deal with the long term consequences of a head injury, including information on where to find further support. Head Injury: The Facts is a family guide to understanding and coping with the practical and emotional problems that head injury brings.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 20, 2012 02:56:21

The methods I recapitulate below have permanent benefits for a broad range of issues. Most of them involve biological monitoring and biofeedback. Biofeedback means interactive training with a display of your physiological responses. It is like exercising with an inner body mirror.

These nervous system training devices quickly and reliably calm the brain, the most foremost organ in your body. They guide you toward optimal flow and function of your nerves.

A cheap and easy gismo for your mental gym is a digital thermometer. The biofeedback task is to growth your finger or toe temperature. This is a mind-body rehearsal with trial and error learning. The opposite of the fight 'r flight response is rest 'n digest. learning how to bring blood flow to your extremities is a singular form of leisure that can be mastered with training and practice. Google: "stress thermometer" for the item.

A lie detector monitors subtle physiological reactions to detect stress. You can sacrifice stress by training with some of those same monitors. The Journey to Wild Divine is a rather sedate computer game with dozens of biofeedback challenges. You have the mouse in one hand and biofeedback sensors in the other. As you succeed the gorgeous road on the monitor you are prompted to growth or decrease your nervous vigor levels in order to stride in the game.

What's going on here is that you are consciously paving the road in the middle of activation and relaxation. As you intentionally clear the road you are addition the range and flexibility of your physiological responses. This allows you greater leisure of response at all times. That means you can more surely calm yourself down after getting upset or speak yourself in the optimal operation zone with greater resilience.

Another group of devices gets your heart rhythms and breathing in sync. The idea here is based on the observation that when we inhale our heart rate increases. And when we exhale, our heart rate decreases. Having a wide range of heart rates within a singular breath is an perfect indicator of ample health.

The free way to train for heart rate variability is to breath at 6 breaths per minute: 5 seconds in, 5 seconds out. But using a watch is rarely a victorious way to train. Counting your heart beats is slightly better. But to seriously train heart rate variability you need a computer schedule such as HeartMath (0) or the hand held gismo made by StressEraser (0). An alternate way to train heart rhythms is feel and hold warm expressive inevitable emotions.

The king of biofeedback training methods is brain wave biofeedback. This kind of training has a large body of explore over 35 years showing colossal relief from a large whole of mind and body problems. There is also strong evidence for peak operation training with students, athletes, performers and soldiers. surely the U.S. Army is beginning an aggressive training schedule for officers on 13 bases following the work done at West Point. The main emphasis for the Army is improved mental focus.

Consumers can buy an Eeg and software for home or you can work with a biofeedback trainer. Google: Eeg biofeedback or neurofeedback. Systems will cost over a thousand dollars to 00 and may wish a hot computer.

Neurofeedback involves use of equipment that amplifies and displays the electrical action of the brain, (Eeg). Sensors attached to the scalp are associated to an encoder which feeds the signals to a computer. Some of these systems up train inevitable brain wave frequencies and down train others. The most developed software reduces excess brain wave volatility.

Sophisticated software allows for graphical display of the signals and includes programs based on complex mathematical formulas designed to provide the central nervous system with information in a form which is easily processed. The role that the conscious mind plays in this process is minimal. You simply absorb pleasing optic displays and sounds. Brief pauses guide the brain toward peace, resilience and flexibility. You can think of this as defragmenting your brain or removing brain crud.

The final medical gadget is not a biofeedback gismo but does have the most explore support. Cranial Electrical Stimulation units run a very mild electrical current through your brain. So very mild you don't feel it. These devices are popular ,favorite by the Fda for anxiety, depression and insomnia. Many explore articles show relief from fullness of other problems too. You typically use this gismo for 30 to 60 minutes for 30 to 60 days. We know that it reduces excess slow brain wave activity. It seems to re-set your stress levels. It seems to trick the brain into producing serotonin. Some citizen feel the runners' high without the running.

All of these devices yield broad benefits that last for the long term. The singular advantage and size of the succeed varies for each person. These gadgets work well for spiffing up your responsiveness or with manifold problems because the central nervous system is central to all that we do.

How to exercise your Nervous ideasObama Caving in to Wall Street Again Video Clips. Duration : 4.83 Mins.

Watch more at www.theyoungturks.com

Keywords: cenk, uygur, young, turks, barack, obama, chris, dodd, wall, street, financial, reform, geithner, summers

Friday, February 17, 2012

ED Stakeholders Forum: Current ESEA Activities (March 19, 2010)

ED Stakeholders Forum: Current ESEA Activities (March 19, 2010) Video Clips. Duration : 76.42 Mins.

On March, 19, 2010 the US Department of Education held a stakeholders forum to discuss the Department's current work around ESEA, recent ARRA activities and the i3 initiative.

Keywords: stakeholders, meeting, ESEA, reform, ED.gov, usedgov, federal, agency, Department, Education

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Livid -- The Neural Is Me

The Livid -- The Neural Is Me Tube. Duration : 4.60 Mins.

www.myspace.com The Livid--The Neural is Me Try to find me, unconscious eyes within Breaking the spell, pulling through again All is lost, none is left, we're all animal Commenting down, looking up again Sky blue wall, pulling through within None is lost, all is left As you drop, you'll be coming to see who's staying now Trusting without believing sounds strange Lies live, never washed away This illusion's killing me Clear my head of all I see Where I am, I'm lost in my own world I've come prepared... am I really? Head in hands, talk to me Falling, feed me my remedy Second stage, pull me down and win No sleep now, out to defend the land Change it out, the words you see Will seem so frustrating Let live all that's meant to be Break the spell, curse the land and lead Black and white oppose the light Face the facts and see that's not happening You used to graze the top But as you drop you'll be saying now: "He did it all for the silence... did it all for the daze... Did it all for the silence... Something living, breathing, telling me things Something livid, breathing, acting my thoughts My mind is lost with no direction... My mind is lost with no direction, I'm gone..."

Keywords: The, Livid, Neural, Is, Me, King, of, Castle, Rock, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Check Out Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Facts) for $21.95

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Facts) Best

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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Facts) Overview

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a relatively common psychological problem. The symptoms--which can be seriously disabling in extreme cases--can include excessive hand-washing or other cleaning rituals, repeating checking, extreme slowness, and unwanted, repugnant intrusive thoughts.

This book covers the nature, symptoms, causes, and theories of OCD. It discusses the treatments that are available and provides valuable practical advice to those who may need help. Numerous case histories are given throughout the book, highlighting various aspects of the disorder and its treatment. There are in-depth sections on scrupulosity, culture and OCD, mental pollution, OCD in children, and on the similarities and differences between childhood OCD and an autistic disorder.

This fourth edition has been updated with succinct explanations of recent research, information on treatment advances, and the recent expansion of treatment services for anxiety disorders, including OCD, in the NHS. Stanley Rachman gives a clear account of the nature of obsessive-compulsive problems, which are useful for sufferers and their families, as well as general readers interested in finding out more about the disorder.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 15, 2012 07:04:58

Monday, February 13, 2012

Big Pharma

Big Pharma Video Clips. Duration : 9.63 Mins.

Along with the CIA, the Illuminati, the Zionist Council, and the Skull and Bones, no single idea so obsesses those people on the fringe who call themselves truthers as large pharmaceutical companies, or, as they are ubiquitously known: Big Pharma. When the name is invoked, we know what is coming is a scathing indictment of a shadow evil entity. Whether the discussion is about the cost of health care or whether drugs or vaccines are safe, or why alternative medicine is being suppressed from mainstream use. It's very useful to have a scapegoat to blame the world's problems on, and there have been some breathtakingly amoral actions taken by individuals on behalf of certain pharmaceutical companies. I'd like to review a few facts about the real pharmaceutical industry. I will attempt to be somewhat neutral in tone, although I fully expect to be attacked from both sides as a result. As often as possible, I will give objective facts and let the viewer decide what to make of it but I do intend to editorialize a bit at the end. My goal here is to be thought provoking, to spark reasonable discussion.

Tags: Big, Pharma, pharmaceutical, industry, Pfizer, corporate, profit, medical, drug, alternative, medicine

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valerian root

Valerian root Tube. Duration : 0.62 Mins.

www.onlinesmartshop.nl A relaxant and a tranquilizer. Helps when in stressful situations, by high blood pressure and insomnia. Product 80 gram Effects Valerian calms the central nervous system. It is used against anxiety and overexertion due to the absence of serious hypnotic side effects. Valerian root is often used to help sleep. It helps to fall asleep faster, without feeling dazed when waking. Usage Valerian can be used as tea. Mix a few table spoons in half a liter water and let this boil softly for 5 minutes in a closed pan.This is important because the healing vapours should not escape. Let it cool down and drink it with a some honey. An other way to use it is to prepare 50 grams as above. Let the tea evaporate slowly until a sticky residue remains. This can be used in small doses. Warning For some people the herb has a stimulating effect instead of a relaxing one. In this case it should not be used. After intensive and long use it can cause headaches and restlessness.

Tags: Valerian root, relaxers, herbs, product, shop online, onlinesmartshop

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Digestive ideas Diseases and Nervous Disorders

Conditions which affect the stomach, esophagus, bowel, colon, liver or pancreas are carefully digestive system diseases and disorders. Many habitancy wonder about nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract and conditions such as anxiety, depression, stress and emotional trauma may all aggravate symptoms, but it is unclear either any of these cause digestive system diseases and disorders. In fact, in most digestive system diseases and disorders the causes are unclear. There are only theories about what the causes may be and what may worsen the conditions or aggravate symptoms.

There are many digestive system diseases and disorders. Some are very tasteless and genuinely treated, while some are more serious, difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat. There are some nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract. These are sometimes classified as symptoms or related conditions and sometimes as potential causes of digestive system diseases and disorders, because in some cases it is unclear which came first, the digestive disorder or the nervous disorder.

Nervous System Facts

The most tasteless of the digestive system diseases and disorders is heartburn. Heartburn affects an estimated 25% of habitancy in the United States on and other western countries on a monthly basis agreeing to a study from the Mayo Clinic. In inequity only 11% of those living in Eastern Asian countries have heartburn once or more per month. Excess stomach acid is what causes heartburn, but stress and anxiety are nervous disorders that can affect the digestive tract and growth stomach acid. Heartburn is a indication of illness of other of the tasteless digestive system diseases and disorders; acid reflux.

Digestive ideas Diseases and Nervous Disorders

Just the Facts: Human Body - Nervous Systems [VHS] Best

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Just the Facts: Human Body - Nervous Systems [VHS] Overview

Are you right- or left-handed? Do you remember your first day of school? What are you thinking right now? The answers to these questions go right to the “brains of the operation,” the incredible nervous system of the human body. This part of The Human Body series explores the brain, spinal cord, nerves and the trillions of neurons, or nerve cells, that make our bodies uniquely human.

Experts in neuroscience help us understand why the human brain is a marvel of structure and function. Viewers learn about left brain and right brain activities and the purpose and function of the cerebellum, cerebrum, cranial nerves and other parts of the brain. The program also examines the interaction of the spinal cord and nerve endings, as well as fascinating concepts like involuntary and voluntary brain activity and reflex and feedback functions.

Viewers explore the five senses: our eyes, which transform shades of light into the phenomenon of sight; our ears, which convert variations in air pressure into hearing; our nerve endings, which translate contact to touch; and our tongues and noses which give us taste and smell. The sixth sense – balance – is also explained.

The Human Body –The Nervous System offers fascinating insight into how our brain sets us apart from all other vertebrates. It gives us the ability to speak, reason, remember, and engage in complex thought, as well as the capacity to feel compassion, sadness, anger, joy and love.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 11, 2012 20:53:39

Acid reflux or gastro-esophageal reflux disease (Gerd) symptoms consist of heartburn, difficulty swallowing, regurgitation of stomach acid and/or food, hoarseness, coughing and irritation of the larynx, throat and/or esophagus. This is one of the digestive system diseases and disorders that can lead to more serious conditions if left untreated. For example, acid reflux or Gerd is one of the major risk factors for esophageal cancer. As with heartburn, anxiety and stress are nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract and can aggravate acid reflux symptoms.

Ulcerative colitis is other of the digestive system diseases and disorders. This one can be very serious and when symptoms are severe may want surgery to remove diseased portions or the whole colon. Anxiety, stress, depression or emotional turmoil (all nervous disorders that can affect the digestive tract) are often experienced by habitancy with ulcerative colitis and can worsen symptoms. It is an inflammatory bowel disease, similar to Crohn's disease. Whereas irritable bowel syndrome is not carefully an inflammatory disease, but because the names are similar, habitancy sometimes get them confused.

Irritable Bowel System or Ibs is one of the tasteless digestive system diseases and disorders. Somewhere between 25 and 55 million Americans suffer from Ibs and most of them are women. Ibs is not life threatening and it does not lead to other more serious digestive system diseases and disorders, but it can still be hard to live with. Ibs and nervous disorders that affect the digestive tract, such as stress and anxiety may cause a vicious circle in a person's life. Meaning, Ibs may make a man anxious about when he/she will have to find a bathroom and the anxiety can aggravate symptoms of Ibs, which increases anxiety, etc.

These are only some of the many digestive system diseases and disorders and while nervous disorders that affect the digestive system are not believed to cause any of these conditions, it is potential that they may aggravate symptoms, particularly when it comes to stress and anxiety. Eating too fast, too much, on the go, in the car, in front of the Tv or computer are all poor eating habits that are very common. When treating digestive system diseases and disorders like Ibs, acid reflux and heartburn, doctors typically suggest that these eating habits may worsen symptoms. It has been shown that by slowing down and reducing stress in one's life, many of the symptoms of the most tasteless digestive system diseases and disorders may be reduced or prevented entirely.

For more information about digestive system diseases and disorders, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.

Digestive ideas Diseases and Nervous DisordersSherlock Holmes -The Resident Patient Tube. Duration : 51.12 Mins.


Tags: Sherlock Holmes, The, Resident, Patient

Friday, February 10, 2012

7 Vital Facts You Must Know About Fat Burners

Fat burners (thermogenics) are a group of supplements that are designed to help your body burn fat faster. However, there is much consider as to whether they are effective or not in helping citizen lose weight which makes the decision to use them very difficult.

Much of the conflicting views on fat burners ensue from not comprehension the role fat burners play in an whole weight-loss schedule and from questionable output and marketing practices by many fellowships promoting these types of products.

Nervous System Facts

This page covers the 7 vital facts you must know about fat burners that, if not understood, can lead to health problems, wasted money and disappointing results.

7 Vital Facts You Must Know About Fat Burners

Just the Facts: Human Body - Nervous Systems [VHS] Best

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Just the Facts: Human Body - Nervous Systems [VHS] Overview

Are you right- or left-handed? Do you remember your first day of school? What are you thinking right now? The answers to these questions go right to the “brains of the operation,” the incredible nervous system of the human body. This part of The Human Body series explores the brain, spinal cord, nerves and the trillions of neurons, or nerve cells, that make our bodies uniquely human.

Experts in neuroscience help us understand why the human brain is a marvel of structure and function. Viewers learn about left brain and right brain activities and the purpose and function of the cerebellum, cerebrum, cranial nerves and other parts of the brain. The program also examines the interaction of the spinal cord and nerve endings, as well as fascinating concepts like involuntary and voluntary brain activity and reflex and feedback functions.

Viewers explore the five senses: our eyes, which transform shades of light into the phenomenon of sight; our ears, which convert variations in air pressure into hearing; our nerve endings, which translate contact to touch; and our tongues and noses which give us taste and smell. The sixth sense – balance – is also explained.

The Human Body –The Nervous System offers fascinating insight into how our brain sets us apart from all other vertebrates. It gives us the ability to speak, reason, remember, and engage in complex thought, as well as the capacity to feel compassion, sadness, anger, joy and love.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 11, 2012 00:33:37

When you understand and apply these prominent theory you will be able to:

1. Settle whether or not fat burners are favorable for you.
2. pick the best fat burner for you based on varied criteria.
3. Use the most effective fat burner in the best way potential to ensure you get maximum results.

1. Fat burners are not 'magic pills'!

Many citizen have the mistaken reliance that they can plainly take a few fat burning pills and the fat will somehow magically disappear from their belly, thighs or other body parts. Furthermore, some citizen even believe that thermogenics can make up for their wayward lifestyle habits. Nothing could be added from the truth!

These beliefs have resulted from citizen not having an comprehension of human physiology and the complex process of utilisation of stored body fat as a fuel source. Plus, the deceptive marketing techniques used by some fellowships give citizen the impression that their fat burning supplement does have magical properties. The over-used before and after photos are a classic example of this.

It is so easy to originate impressive before and after photos with someone even on the same day! In a before photo the someone stands relaxed, pushes their stomach out, puts on a 'sad face', doesn't have a tan, has no make up, poor lighting and with men, has body hair intact.

In the after photo, which may be just a few hours later, they stand tensed up, stomach sucked in, smile, have a coat of fake tan on, wear make up, have good lighting and have all their body hair removed. Plus, clever graphic artists can even draw on abdominal muscles! These dubious techniques honestly give citizen the wrong impression about what thermogenics can honestly do.

2. Even the best best fat burner must be part of a 'complete' weight loss program.

In order to maximise their effectiveness thermogenics should all the time be used in conjunction with a calorie-controlled nutritional plan and a favorable practice program. By doing so, they can help originate the considerable calorie deficit in the body in order to achieve the desired weight loss.

If someone uses a thermogenic but does not considered operate their food intake or does not achieve any exercise, it makes it very difficult to originate the calorie/ vigor deficit considerable to burn fat and therefore lose weight.

The fact is, if a calorie/ vigor deficit is not created, no matter whether top fat burners are used or not, weight loss will not be achieved. Thermogenics growth the body's calorie/ vigor expenditure. That is one of the mechanisms through which they can assist users in losing weight.

As a result, the best way to use fat burners is all the time as a part of a 'complete' weight-loss program.

3. Fat burners should not be used by everyone.

Since fat burners stimulate separate receptors on the central nervous system and sympathetic nervous system, they may cause an growth in blood pressure. Therefore, they should not be used by citizen who have high blood pressure or who use blood pressure medication.

They should also be avoided by women who are pregnant or nursing because the ingredients may pass through the placenta or mother's milk and sway the growing foetus or baby.

Finally, they should not be used by citizen over the age of 65 or under the age of 18. This is generally a precaution because as we age our bodies tend to be come more fragile and giving powerful, stimulating herbs to elderly citizen is obviously not wise. Furthermore, growing bodies should probably do without these herbs as well. Even though the diet of most teenagers these days is loaded with stimulants, particularly caffeine, use of qualified stimulants may be harmful.

4. Fat burners are plainly a 'weight loss accelerator'.

Fat burners help citizen achieve their weight-loss goal faster. They do this through 4 mechanisms:

1. They speed up metabolism
2. They force the fat cells to release stored fat into the blood stream
3. They act as a diuretic
4. They boost vigor levels

By speeding up metabolism they make it easier to originate a calorie deficit (if combined with the correct nutritional plan and practice program) and therefore lose weight. If excess calories are consumed in the diet then weight loss will not occur even when fat burners are used.

The top fat burners force the fat cells to release stored body fat into the blood stream, which may then be used as a fuel source by the body. That is why the best time to use fat burners is prior to an practice session. practice increases the rate at which the body burns vigor and since there will be more free fatty acids in the blood stream from taking the fat burner, more fat may be burned up while the session.

Many overweight citizen tend to maintain fluid. Therefore, fat burners may be useful for them because they assist the body in getting rid of excess fluid.

By stimulating receptors on the central nervous system and sympathetic nervous system, fat burners can help citizen feel more energetic when they take them. This may make them more likely to engage in an practice schedule and therefore lose weight faster.

5. Fat burners must have a balanced 'thermogenic profile' and have ingredients in therapeutic dosages.

Having a balanced 'thermogenic profile' means that fat burner contains a range of thermogenic herbs that are in case,granted in therapeutic dosages. Unfortunately, many fat burners on the shop contain high levels of one or two cheap herbs and token dosages of all things else.

These products are honestly identified by plainly finding at the ingredients panel on the product. When a fat burner has a long list of ingredients, it can't perhaps contain therapeutic dosages of all the ingredients because there is only little space in a singular capsule. This means the effectiveness of the goods is likely to be compromised, especially if this is combined with inordinate levels of one or two ingredients.

The problem with having high levels of one or two ingredients and token dosages of all things else is that the body is likely to make a resistance to the high level ingredients in a very short period of time, which fast nulls the effectiveness of the product. A more balanced 'thermogenic profile' on the other hand has a wide range of ingredients in therapeutic dosages, which means it will take far longer for the receptors to be down-regulated. This means the effectiveness of the products lasts for much longer.

6. Fat burners must be independently tested and approved.

A major problem with many fat burners is that the manufacturers of the goods are not required by law to rigorously test the products they make. By not having this essential, stringent requirement, the levels of ingredient contained in a goods may not match the levels stated on the label.

In Australia, however, the Tga (Therapeutic Good Administration) regulates all products that make label claims. In order for a goods to receive an 'Aust L' number, the goods must conform to all the requirements of the Tga. These include:

1. Being man-made at a 'Gmp approved' plant (Good Manufacturing Practices).
2. Just testing to ensure that all levels of ingredients stated on the label are supplied in the product.
3. Ensuring that levels of unavoidable ingredients do not exceed maximum limits.
4. All claims being made on the label are true and correct based on scientific evidence.

If you are inspecting using a fat burner you must make sure it has been independently tested and that the business can furnish you with a Certificate of pathology to indicate that what is stated on the label is what is contained in the product.

Alternatively, if the goods is Australian made then it must have an Aust L number. This ensures that the goods has passed all the correct testing requirements of the Australian government.

7. The fat burner must have a low cost-to-benefit ratio and be easy to use.

Not only do thermogenics (fat burners) vary greatly in whole of ingredients, types of ingredients and levels of ingredients but they also vary greatly in cost. It is considerable that the fat burner you consider using has a low cost-to-benefit ratio. This means that results you achieve by using the goods outweigh the cost of purchasing it.

The cost of the thermogenic you buy must be less than per serve, which means that if you use two serves a day it is going to cost you less than a day. This is a very uncostly price to pay for accelerating your fat-burning and weight-loss results.

It is also considerable that you are not required to take handfuls of capsules or pills each day in order to advantage from its use. 1 or 2 capsules a day is reasonable. Any more than this becomes inconvenient and also means you are likely to conclude the box faster!

7 Vital Facts You Must Know About Fat Burners12. The Persian Wars Video Clips. Duration : 79.03 Mins.

Introduction to Ancient Greek History (CLCV 205) In this lecture, Professor Kagan examines in detail the development, growing pains, and emergence of Athenian democracy. He argues that the tyranny under the Peisistratids led to the development of the idea of self-government among the Athenians, which Cleisthenes used to develop Athens in a more democratic direction. One of the ways Cleisthenes was able to accomplish this was to diminish the power of the aristocracy by reordering and restructuring the tribes and giving greater power to the assembly. Finally, Professor Kagan says a word on the Athenian practice of ostracism as a political tool to protect a fledgling democracy. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Consequences of Tyranny to Greek Life 12:31 - Chapter 2. Cleisthenes's Coup d'État 23:20 - Chapter 3. Establishing a New Constitution 38:52 - Chapter 4. Key Democratic Elements 01:04:00 - Chapter 5. Ostracism as a Constitutional Device Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: open.yale.edu This course was recorded in Fall 2007.

Tags: boule, Cleisthenes, Cleomenes, deme, demos, ecclesia, Hipparchus, Hippeis, hoplite, farmer, ostracism, Pisistratus, tribes, trittyes

Thursday, February 9, 2012

EEP100 - Lecture 18

EEP100 - Lecture 18 Tube. Duration : 78.27 Mins.

indifference curves and the hill of happiness; grading and tournament incentives; scientific method (Popper's falsification, deductive and inductive reasoning); auction theory (private and public values, winners curse, etc.); cap and trade; REAL auctions of books plus selling for .50!

Keywords: UC, Berkeley, ucberkeley, course, economics, environment, resources, political-economy

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nervous, thinking or Emotional Breakdown

The Soul of Soulwork is integrity - a joyful expression of life that brings comprehension and understanding. Do you want to coach citizen to untangle difficult relationships and find emotional maturity.

What happens in a mental Breakdown?

Nervous System Facts

A nervous, mental or emotional breakdown may contain a temporary collapse or disintegration of personality. This may involve an inability to function, depression, loss of experience with reality, manic episodes, anxiety and / or panic attacks.

Nervous, thinking or Emotional Breakdown

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Facts) Best

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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Facts) Overview

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a relatively common psychological problem. The symptoms--which can be seriously disabling in extreme cases--can include excessive hand-washing or other cleaning rituals, repeating checking, extreme slowness, and unwanted, repugnant intrusive thoughts.

This book covers the nature, symptoms, causes, and theories of OCD. It discusses the treatments that are available and provides valuable practical advice to those who may need help. Numerous case histories are given throughout the book, highlighting various aspects of the disorder and its treatment. There are in-depth sections on scrupulosity, culture and OCD, mental pollution, OCD in children, and on the similarities and differences between childhood OCD and an autistic disorder.

This fourth edition has been updated with succinct explanations of recent research, information on treatment advances, and the recent expansion of treatment services for anxiety disorders, including OCD, in the NHS. Stanley Rachman gives a clear account of the nature of obsessive-compulsive problems, which are useful for sufferers and their families, as well as general readers interested in finding out more about the disorder.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 08, 2012 22:02:12

A nervous breakdown can be disturbing, disorienting and frightening. It may come suddenly or last for some years. Depression, obscuring or anxiety may accompany a feeling that you are out of control.
Nervous, mental or emotional breakdowns are lay terms. Nerves and emotions don't break down; these terms imply an emotional or mental collapse or a feeling of approaching collapse. These terms often refer to citizen who tried to hide unpleasant emotions, and finally let them out.

Warning Signs of Nervous Breakdown

Some warning signs can alert you that man might be experiencing an emotional or connection crisis. That man may need immediate help or attention.

a man cannot cope with daily chores and responsibilities

a person's words make no sense (word salad)

a man threatens or tries to harm someone

a man threatens or tries to harm self

a man seems to see, hear, smell, taste, or feel things that do not exist

a man becomes destructive to possessions, home and relationships

If you see any of these signs, possibly call a emergency help line or other source for help and information. Many cities have a suicide hotline or emergency hotline. In smaller towns, a hospital or healing town may help you resolve how serious the signs are, and what you can do to help.

Stress & Emotional Breakdowns

Anxiety, stress and depression can occur when we suppress spontaneous reactions. They may occur when you feel that we have no choices. Under chronic stress you may feel on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

You may want to react to stressful situations by whether getting away from the situation or fighting back. You cannot always do this. If you cannot run away or fight back, you might force yourself to stay. Your stress builds up.

The same thing might happen at home, or in your close relationships. You can turn your relationships or learn to cope with stress. whether can keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

You can eat healthier. You can exercise for about half hour at least 3 times a week. You can get enough sleep. You can avoid alcohol and illegal drugs. You can take a vacation. You can learn how to relax. You can build and enjoy good relationships.

Coping with stress means learning how to retell better. Reading about or taking classes in communication may help. Systemic coaching can help you recognize and turn long-term connection habits and complex connection problems.

Personalities that Break Down

People who do break down often seem to be whether citizen pleasing and/or super-responsible. A citizen Pleaser may focus on being nice and not offending anyone. A super-responsible man may be seen as a control-freak, a perfectionist or workaholic. There are good solutions ... Systemic solutions.

Rebuilding Identity in Chaos

When a personality mask finally breaks down, a healthier identity can emerge. This emergence can be painful and haphazard during stress, or moderately self-controlled during chaos coaching.

Lasting Solutions for Anxiety, Stress and Depression

What causes breakdowns?

Do illnesses cause breakdowns? possibly sometimes, although few citizen who become ill experience mental breakdown.

Do traumatic experiences cause breakdowns? possibly sometimes, although few citizen break down in trauma, even those who suffer extreme trauma.

Do genetic factors cause break downs? Rather than genetics, behavior copied from suffering family members is the only known link to inherited disposition to stressful illness.

Do depleted levels of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) cause breakdowns? Perhaps, although low levels of neurotransmitters are more likely a symptom than a cause of breakdowns.

Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals which help regulate moods. To boost these levels, you can turn your behavior or take drugs. The easier route (and much more profitable for condition professionals) is that you take designate medication - and sustain a billion drug industry.

About 70% of citizen who take antidepressants will experience mental breakdown if they stop taking the drugs. Antidepressants treat a symptom - low levels of neurotransmitters in your brain.

What is the root cause of mental breakdown? The main incompatibility in the middle of citizen who experience a breakdown and those who don't may be the unpleasant emotions resulting from poor relationships.

To operate anxiety, stress and depression, why not learn from citizen who don't become anxious, depressed or stressed? Such citizen very often enjoy satisfying relationships. Get systemic coaching.

Consult a doctor about any opinions about nervous or other breakdowns, or other healing symptoms or other healing conditions.

Do you want productive connection coaching or systemic coach training? Do you want to coach individuals, partners and teams to resolve complex connection challenges? experience us.

Nervous, thinking or Emotional BreakdownWhat do drugs do to your nervous system? Video Clips. Duration : 2.57 Mins.

Bobby Wiggins explains what do drugs do to your nervous system. He personally gave live presentations to over 900000 people in schools, community groups and corporations. Narconon drug prevention video giving drug facts and how drugs affect the body. www.narconon.org

Keywords: nervous system, what do drugs do, narconon, drug prevention, drug facts, body

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Meeting the True Needs of Children Diagnosed as 'Adhd'

How should one look upon concentration Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adhd) and what is the productive way to aid those who are given this diagnosis? There has been vital debate as to either or not Adhd is a genuine disorder. Psychiatrist and professor Robert Hedaya (1996, pg. 140) mentions that an test by Hartmann in 1993 felt that Adhd is unquestionably normal variant of human behavior that doesn't fit into cultural norms.

In addition, there is no objective test for this disorder. Hedaya (1996, pg. 140) mentions that a commonly used test is the Tova (test of variables of attention), a test where the client must use a computer and hit a target at assorted points. This test is designed to part the person's response time and distractibility. However, Hedaya (1996, pg. 140) notes, this tool cannot be relied upon to make or exclude the prognosis in and of itself. Hedaya (1996, pg. 268) notes that there has been controversy in the use of stimulants for the treatment of Adhd, he states, medications alone do not provide sufficient or full treatment in this disorder.

Nervous System Facts

Hedaya (1996, pg. 269) notes that the most serious risk in the use of methylphenidate (Ritalin) for Adhd is that about 1% of these children will establish tics and or Tourette's Syndrome. Hedaya asks the question,"One might wonder-, why use methylphenidate at all?" Hedaya argues that the side effects involved in the use of methylphenidate are mild. However, he notes that side effects contain nervousness, increased vulnerability to seizures, insomnia, loss of appetite, headache, stomachache, and irritability. Hedaya (1996, pg. 271) argues that the causation of Adhd lies in problems in dopamine regulation in the brain and states that stimulants work by stimulating dopamine in the brain and thus the symptoms of Adhd are lessened.

Meeting the True Needs of Children Diagnosed as 'Adhd'

However, previously Hedaya states that Zametkin (1995) noted that stimulants have the same succeed in both those diagnosed as Adhd and those who are not (Hedaya, 1996, pg. 139). Dr. William Carey of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia commented at the National Institutes of reasoning condition Consensus argument in 1998 that the behaviors exhibited by those determined Adhd were normal behavioral variations. A Multimodal treatment Study was conducted by the National Institutes of reasoning condition in 1999 in regards to Adhd. Psychiatrist Peter Breggin and the members of the International center for the Study of Psychiatry and psychology challenged the outcomes of this study because it was not a placebo controlled double blind study. Breggin also argues that that the prognosis conducted of behaviors in the classroom of those children studied showed no vital differences between those children receiving stimulant medications versus those who only were utilizing a behavioral supervision agenda (Mta Cooperative Group, 1999a, pg. 1074). Breggin notes that there was no operate group in the study of untreated children and that 32% of the children involved in the study were already receiving one or more medications prior to the onset of the study. Of those in the study who were the medication supervision group, they numbered only 144 of which Breggin finds to be enormously small.

Breggin states that in the ratings of the children themselves that they noted increased anxiety and depression however this was not found to be a vital factor by the investigators. Breggin also believes that the study was flawed in that drug treatment prolonged for 14 months whereas behavioral supervision was utilized for a much shorter duration. Breggin argues that the behavioral supervision strategies, which involved generally a token cheaper system, were ineffective as well and did not take into notice house dynamics but regardless, the study still showed that there was no discrepancy between the populations treated with drugs versus those undergoing behavioral supervision solely. Breggin notes that many of the children receiving medications had adverse drug reactions, which consisted of depression, irritability, and anxiety. 11.4% reported moderate reactions and 2.9% had severe reactions. However, Breggin also states that those reporting the adverse drug reactions were not properly trained, but were rather only teachers and/or parents.

The study, as Breggin concludes, showed no improvement in the children treated with medications in the areas of scholastic carrying out or communal skill development. Breggin feels that the study was improper in that all of the investigators were known to be pro-medication advocates prior to and after the study. Breggin states that Ritalin and other amphetamines have approximately same adverse reactions and have the possible for creating behavioral issues as well as psychosis and mania in some individuals. Breggin argues that these medications often cause the very behaviors they are intended to treat. He notes that children treated with these medications often come to be robotic and lethargic and that permanent neurological tics can result.

In his textbook, concentration Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Russell Barkley, an advocate for the use of methylphenidate in the treatment of Adhd, notes that there is itsybitsy improvement in scholastic carrying out with the short-term use of psychostimulant medication. Barkley also acknowledges that the stimulant medications can work on growth hormone but at present there is not any knowledge of the long-term effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary growth hormones. Barkley (1995, pg. 122) also states, at present there are no lab tests or measures that are of value in making a prognosis of Adhd.

Dr. Sidney Walker, Iii, (1998, pg. 25) a late board-certified neuropsychiatrist comments that a large amount of children do not respond to Ritalin treatment, or they respond by becoming sick, depressed, or worse. Some children unquestionably come to be psychotic - the fact that many hyperactive children respond to Ritalin by becoming calmer doesn't mean that the drug is treating a disease. Most citizen respond to cocaine by becoming more alert and focused, but that doesn't mean they are suffering from a disease treated by cocaine. It is sharp to note Walker's analogy of Ritalin to cocaine. Volkow and his colleagues (1997) observed in their study, Emp (methylphenidate, like cocaine, increases synaptic dopamine by inhibiting dopamine reuptake, it has equivalent reinforcing effects to those of cocaine, and its intravenous supervision produces a high similar to that of cocaine. Walker (1998, pg. 14-15) that in expanding to emotional struggles of children foremost to Adhd-like behavior, that high lead levels, high mercury levels, anemia, manganese toxicity, B-vitamin deficiencies, hyperthyroidism, Tourette's syndrome, temporal lobe seizures, fluctuating blood sugar levels, cardiac conditions, and illicit drug use would all produce behaviors that could appear as what would be determined Adhdehowever Walker feels that these issues are most often overlooked and the man is determined to be Adhd.

F. Xavier Castellanos states at the 1998 Consensus argument that those children with Adhd had smaller brain size than those of children who were determined to be normal. However, Castellanos reported as well that 93% of those children determined Adhd in the study were being treated long term with psychostimulants and stated that the issue of brain atrophy could be related to the use of psychopharmacological agents. Dr. Henry Nasrallah from Ohio State University (1986) found that atrophy occurred in about half of the 24 young adults diagnosed with Adhd since childhood that participated in his study. All of these individuals had been treated with stimulants as children and Nasrallah and colleagues concludes that cortical atrophy may be a long term adverse succeed of this treatment. doctor Warren Weinberg and colleagues stated, a large amount of biologic studies have been undertaken to chronicle Adhd as a disease entity, but results have been inconsistent and not reproducible because the symptoms of Adhd are merely the symptoms of a variety of disorders. The Food and Drug supervision has noted (Walker, 1998, pg. 27) that ee respond that as of yet no positive pathophysiology (for Adhd) has been delineated.

There has been concern as well about the addictive component of psychostimulants. The Drug compulsion supervision (1995c) reports that it was found that methylphenidate's pharmacological effects are essentially the same as those of amphetamine and methamphetamine and that it shares the same abuse possible as these agenda Ii stimulants.

Breggin states that psychiatrist Arthur Green in the farranging Textbook of Psychiatry published in 1989 reported that all commonly diagnosed disorders of childhood can be related to abuse and/or neglect. Abuse and neglect produces difficulties in school, such as cognitive impairment, particularly in the areas of speech and development, combined with itsybitsy concentration span and hyperactivity. (Breggin, 1991, pg. 274)

Being that Adhd is a subjective prognosis and that stimulant treatment has been shown to have risk as detailed above, what is the productive alternative to aiding those who have been diagnosed Adhd and what unquestionably is underlying the difficulties that these individuals may be manifesting? Psychologist and trainer Michael Valentine (1988) suggests that it is vital to love your children, care about them, do as much as possible to have them grow and develop, teach them communal skills, and teach them how to identify and express their feelings and to come to be uniquely human; but at the same time, care about them and love them sufficient to give them guidance, structure, limits, and operate as they need it.

Valentine advocates a psychosocial approach to aiding children and adolescents who would be determined to be Adhd. Psychiatrist Peter Breggin also advocates this approach and feels that it is vital for parents to feel empowered and for their to be a compassionate therapeutic adult in the lives of these children. Breggin (1998, pg. 308-310) feels it is vital to scrutinize the effects of institutionalization and placement on children as well as the effects of psychiatric stigmatization (that is, the effects on esteem of receiving the label of Adhd itself). It is vital to scrutinize the sense of the child and if they have suffered physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from adults, or have experienced peer abuse. It needs to be examined if they have an standard educational setting and if any conflicts exist with instructors or if the educational environment is stressful to them.

Psychiatrist William Glasser (2003, pg. 31-32) comments in this regard, Epediatricians are being called in to diagnose schoolchildren who do not cooperate in school because they don't like it as having concentration deficit disorder or concentration deficit hyperactivity disorder. Treating them with a narcotic drug is only confirming what many psychiatrists and pediatricians already believe: that it's good to use drugs than to try to apply their reputation and clout in the society to the real problem: improving our school s so that students find them enjoyable sufficient to pay concentration and learn in an environment where drugs are not needed. This misguided psychiatric attempt has created an epidemic of drug treated reasoning illnessEin the schools.

Breggin continues that it is also vital to scrutinize the environment the child lives in and the stressors colse to them. It is vital to build relationship and collaboratively establish structure and limits with the child or immature (Breggin, 1998, pg. 318) Breggin feels it is vital to train parents in relationship construction with their children and in working through situations of conflict. He states, parent supervision training has consistently proven flourishing in improving parent self-esteem, in reducing parent stress, and in ameliorating Adhd-like symptoms, especially negative attitudes toward parental authority and aggression.

Dr. David Stein (2001, pg. 236-238) has detailed a drug free approach to aiding children who are diagnosed as Adhd who Stein prefers to call extremely misbehaving children. In this program, known as the Caregiver's Skills program, Stein states it is vital to treat your child as normal and not diseased. He states that the children should not be taking any medications, as they are risky for the child's condition and merely blunt behaviors. Stein argues, if the behaviors don't occur, we can't help (them) learn new habits.

The agenda encourages communal reinforcement rather than material reinforcement, encouraging parents to refrain from excessive prompting and coaxing. The agenda encourages development of target behaviors and consistent encouragement and communal reinforcement as well as consistent consequences for misbehavior. The agenda encourages the self-assessment and appraisal of the child of their own behaviors.


Barkley, Russell, Taking payment of Adhd, Boys Town, Ne, Boys Town Press, 1995)

Breggin, Peter R., Reclaiming Our Children, Perseus, Cambridge, Ma, 2000)

Breggin, Peter R., Talking Back to Ritalin,Common Courage Press, Monroe, Me, 1998)

Breggin, Peter R., Toxic Psychiatry, St. Martins Press, New York, 1991)

DuPaul, Barkley, and Connor, Stimulants (article appearing in text concentration Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 1998).

Glasser, William, Psychiatry Can Be dangerous to Your reasoning Health, Harper Collins, New York, 2003)

Hedaya, Robert J., insight Biological Psychiatry, W.W. Norton, New York, 1996)

Nasrallah, H.J., Loney, S. Olson, M. McCalley-Whitters, J. Kramer, and C. Jacoby, Cortical Atrophy in Young Adults with a History of Hyperactivity in Childhood, Psychiatry Research, 17:241-246, 1986)

National Institutes of reasoning condition Consensus argument Statement, 1998

Stein, David, Unraveling the Adhd Fiasco, Andrews McMeel, Kansas City, 2001)

Walker, Sidney, The Hyperactivity Hoax, St. Martins Press, New York, 1998)

Weinberg, Warren et al., concentration Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Disease or a symptom Complex, Journal of Pediatrics, 130, 665-6

Meeting the True Needs of Children Diagnosed as 'Adhd'Sherlock Holmes -The Bruce Partington Plans Tube. Duration : 52.62 Mins.


Keywords: Sherlock Holmes, The, Bruce, Partington, Plans

Monday, February 6, 2012

Home Body construction

One of the most common misconceptions I hear is that you must have a gym membership in order to have a great physique. While this is true to a inevitable degree, the opposite is also true. What matters the most is your intensity level and your total commitment to your program. (Related article: Should you hire a personal trainer?)

Although being a member of a gym has some benefits it is a misconception that it is a requirement. Firstly in order to follow a turn in your appearance you will need to make some changes in your life... Fact. Your advent to make changes will need to adopt a level of consistency, to do this you will generate a system that you are comfortable with and one that targets the areas that You want to improve.

Nervous System Facts

Now you have a system you plainly need to take consistent activity and the results will follow.

Home Body construction

The Nervous System: Webster's Timeline History, 280 BC - 1981 Best

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The Nervous System: Webster's Timeline History, 280 BC - 1981 Overview

Webster's bibliographic and event-based timelines are comprehensive in scope, covering virtually all topics, geographic locations and people. They do so from a linguistic point of view, and in the case of this book, the focus is on "The Nervous System," including when used in literature (e.g. all authors that might have The Nervous System in their name). As such, this book represents the largest compilation of timeline events associated with The Nervous System when it is used in proper noun form. Webster's timelines cover bibliographic citations, patented inventions, as well as non-conventional and alternative meanings which capture ambiguities in usage. These furthermore cover all parts of speech (possessive, institutional usage, geographic usage) and contexts, including pop culture, the arts, social sciences (linguistics, history, geography, economics, sociology, political science), business, computer science, literature, law, medicine, psychology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and other physical sciences. This "data dump" results in a comprehensive set of entries for a bibliographic and/or event-based timeline on the proper name The Nervous System, since editorial decisions to include or exclude events is purely a linguistic process. The resulting entries are used under license or with permission, used under "fair use" conditions, used in agreement with the original authors, or are in the public domain.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 06, 2012 17:40:45

In fact, most people (including many renowned bodybuilders) started training at home. Home Body building is very incommunicable and personal and can often help you gain more confidence. The bonus is time and money saving. The money you spend on a 12 month gym membership will admittedly pay for the tool you need to get great results at home.

Below is a list of things you will need:
* Dumbbells for working out at home. A solid practice bench, preferably with a squat rack
* 250 pounds of free weights, whether plastic coated are ideal but if they are free then cast iron will be Ok
* 1 barbell whether 6 or 7 feet long
* 1 chin-up/pull-up bar (Wall-Mounted or in door way.)

You don't have to buy these items new either. Ask friends and house and check in recycling stores, lots of people have good intentions but for anything fancy fail and their tool gathers dust. This proves the point that I made earlier on; it's all about dedication. Getting in shape doesn't have to be costly or inconvenient.

Important Points To Remember
Before beginning out on your mission report some personal detail, take some measurements i.e. Chest, waist, biceps, thighs, weight etc: and report changes.

Take a photograph of your self and display it next to the mirror you are going to acquire, purchase. This will help to keep you focused, after two weeks take other photo and report changes this will inspire you to want more.

It is prominent to know when beginning out after stretching and warming up you should use weights that will challenge you. If not, you will fail to progress. That is why I recommend that you start off with at least 200 pounds of weights. This will keep you going for many months.

Watching your enlarge in a mirror is always a great help. This way you will be able to pose and also watch your practice form. Posing in the mirror not only gives you a optical indication of your enlarge it also serves to motivate you. When you are pumped you look awesome! With regards to form you might think you are doing an practice correctly but in reality you could be way off.

It might also help to have a friend, house member or training partner watch you a few times. On that note, I must also address safety. It might be wise on the heavier lifts to have a training partner. Exercises like bench presses and squats can make you nervous if you are alone. This can therefore hinder your workouts.

Stay consistent and from personal development always visualize yourself as you want to look, if you wish you looked good your results will always be in the future.

Home Body construction12. The Persian Wars Video Clips. Duration : 79.03 Mins.

Introduction to Ancient Greek History (CLCV 205) In this lecture, Professor Kagan examines in detail the development, growing pains, and emergence of Athenian democracy. He argues that the tyranny under the Peisistratids led to the development of the idea of self-government among the Athenians, which Cleisthenes used to develop Athens in a more democratic direction. One of the ways Cleisthenes was able to accomplish this was to diminish the power of the aristocracy by reordering and restructuring the tribes and giving greater power to the assembly. Finally, Professor Kagan says a word on the Athenian practice of ostracism as a political tool to protect a fledgling democracy. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Consequences of Tyranny to Greek Life 12:31 - Chapter 2. Cleisthenes's Coup d'État 23:20 - Chapter 3. Establishing a New Constitution 38:52 - Chapter 4. Key Democratic Elements 01:04:00 - Chapter 5. Ostracism as a Constitutional Device Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: open.yale.edu This course was recorded in Fall 2007.

Tags: boule, Cleisthenes, Cleomenes, deme, demos, ecclesia, Hipparchus, Hippeis, hoplite, farmer, ostracism, Pisistratus, tribes, trittyes

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What is a Nervous Breakdown and How Do You Fix It?

We've all heard the expression, "nervous breakdown", but what does that mean, exactly?

First off, what makes population think they are having a nervous breakdown? Is it the occasion they feel they have lost all quality to cope with their lives and all the stresses that come with it?

Nervous System Facts

What are the symptoms they are experiencing at that time? Probably the most leading is their minds are spinning. They can't get a grip on any one plan because they all blend together as one chaotic mess. It's impossible to think straight, to sort things out. They might also have lost their energy and are unable to get up in the morning and unblemished their daily tasks. They can't cope with the simplest concept.

What is a Nervous Breakdown and How Do You Fix It?

Alzheimer's Disease Medications Fact Sheet Best

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Alzheimer's Disease Medications Fact Sheet Overview

Alzheimer's Disease Medications

Fact Sheet

Several prescription drugs are currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Treating the symptoms of Alzheimer’s can provide patients with comfort, dignity, and independence for a longer period of time and can encourage and assist their caregivers as well.

It is important to understand that none of these medications stops the disease itself.

Alzheimer's Disease Medications Fact Sheet Specifications

Alzheimer's Disease Medications

Fact Sheet

Several prescription drugs are currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Treating the symptoms of Alzheimer’s can provide patients with comfort, dignity, and independence for a longer period of time and can encourage and assist their caregivers as well.

It is important to understand that none of these medications stops the disease itself.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 05, 2012 17:16:37

In short, they think they are going mad. After all, isn't madness the inability to care for yourself because your mind has gone awry? It's a terrific concept, to be sure. But does a someone actually go mad?

We've seen the stereotypical images in movies of population wandering the halls of darkened institutions, staring level ahead, shuffling their feet, and mumbling repeated phrases to themselves. They don't recognize others or know themselves. You can't recite with them and they can't recite with you.

In actuality, total madness that is depicted in movies is very rare and generally is not caused by the someone having too much stress. Yet this is the image we might conjure up when we think of someone having a nervous breakdown.

The fact is, "nervous breakdown" is not a medically recognized term. It is a blanket term used to illustrate more the feeling than the actual condition. A "nervous breakdown" has nothing to do with nerves. It's a breakdown of the adrenal system.

If you think about stress, you will make the relationship with anxiety and it's symptoms. You will consideration that when under stress, your heart will race, your body will sweat, and your thoughts will speed up. The adrenal glands are designed to cause these changes so that you are ready to react to danger. When the real danger never appears, however, the built-up apprehension and body changes are not released as they usually would be if a bear came at you and you ran away to safety.

When the body is under consistent stress, the adrenal glands continue to work until they begin to tire out. That's when the body has reached the point of adrenal fatigue.

In doing it's job, the adrenal glands furnish 50 or more different hormones that are important for life. They help our bodies to administrate fat, regulate blood sugar and blood pressure, and administrate the body's energy sources.

The hormone, cortisol, helps to keep our body systems balanced and safe body cells.

In effect, the adrenal glands help to predict our longevity. The healthier the adrenal glands, the longer we can expect to live healthy lives.

Unfortunately, chronic stress hampers the quality of the adrenal glands to do their jobs. Consequently, we sense increased mystery concentrating, our energy levels drop significantly, and we come to be even less able to cope with stress.

Among the symptoms of adrenal fatigue are lowered sex drive, depression, muscle weakness, lightheadedness, increased menopausal or menstrual symptoms, cravings for foods that are high in fat and salt, and persistent tiredness even after a night's sleep.

What can you do about Adrenal Fatigue?

As with anxiety and panic disorders, adrenal fatigue can be eased by:

  • Learning to laugh more often and to have fun
  • Be sure to get enough rest
  • Stay away from negative people
  • Eat usually and nutritiously (no junk food, processed foods, fats, salt)
  • Take vitamin and magnesium supplements, along with vitamin C & E
  • Take Vitamin B complex supplements that are high in Vitamin B6
  • Replace table salt with sea salt
  • Reduce stress by eliminating the things that are causing it
  • Participate in activities that help you to relax. Use music therapy, find your special place of peace and solitude and go there often. Let the stress fade away and the quiet replace it.

The longer and more severe your condition, the longer it will take to recover. It can take everywhere from six months to two years. Keep this in mind. Don't think your efforts are not working or aren't working fast enough. Be persistent with your agenda and you will recover from anxiety, stress and adrenal fatigue.

What is a Nervous Breakdown and How Do You Fix It?TYT - Extended Clip August 31, 2011 Tube. Duration : 45.77 Mins.

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