Tuesday, January 31, 2012

hazardous Insects

Just when you belief you were safe in your own home, safe from maniacs on the street, safe from lost and roaming wild animals in your local town, a small unassuming insect bites you, and for the next few days, you are fighting for your life. A mosquito, right in the ease of your own home has brought this on you.

Mosquitoes are often overlooked as a danger to the human race, but these little creatures are responsible for one to two million deaths a year. Malaria, one of the deadly diseases this insect carries, affects 10% of the world's population, production it the prominent mosquito-born disease.

Nervous System Facts

Another overlooked insect is the fly. Houseflies carry thousands and thousands of pathogens and parasites that can be fatal to humans. The Tsetse fly is responsible for 250,000 to 300,000 deaths a year in Central Africa. This fly carries a confident sponge that causes "sleeping sickness." The sponge enters into the body of a host, affecting the nervous system where it can cause a deep coma and perhaps even death.

hazardous Insects

Drug Facts and Comparisons Central Nervous System Agents Pocket Version Best

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Yet another perilous insect did not come from nature but rather was born out of a man's attempt to produce a better version of the bee. African honeybees, better known as the killer bees, were brought from Africa to Brazil in 1956 to breed a better honeybee. Unfortunately, that attempt failed and the bees finally escaped. They have killed 1000 people as they moved towards the northern part of Central America. These bees do not charge one by one. Instead, they charge their victims in swarms, thus delivering a very painful death.

Unlike the bees, however, a wasp can repeatedly sting its victim. These stings can be fatal, especially to those with an adverse reaction to the sting. They are also one of the prominent causes of death, especially while the summer season.

hazardous InsectsLec 1 | MIT 7.012 Introduction to Biology, Fall 2004 Tube. Duration : 36.28 Mins.

Introduction (Prof. Robert A. Weinberg) View the complete course: ocw.mit.edu License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at ocw.mit.edu More courses at ocw.mit.edu

Keywords: mit, opencourseware, biology, genetics, dna, cells, cancer, cloning, immunology, virology, genomics, rna, replication

Monday, January 30, 2012

Wildlife and Deforestation

Deforestation has been a huge controversy with environmentalists. Many people argue the benefits of deforestation, but they look past the negative effects it does have. people who maintain deforestation may search for the economic benefits of deforestation. Deforestation may have economic benefits, but despite that, the negatives greatly outweigh the positives. Deforestation destroys natural habitats for animals. When a species' natural habitat is gone, it becomes hard for that species to adapt- causing extinction. The greatest effect of deforestation is a major decrease in biodiversity.

In the article, Benefits of Deforestation, Nathalie Fiset mainly focuses on the economic benefits of deforestation. She claims that lumber products are one of the most garage constructive materials in human society, and that humans cannot live without lumber products (Fiset). That is true to a determined extent, but we are evolving into a paperless society. Nowadays, practically everything is run electronically. For example, people can pay practically any bill online now; there is no paper complicated in that. Also, when people vote, they do it electronically. There are no more paper ballots. There is no intuit to have to cut down so many trees when the human society is studying to live without paper products. Most paper clubs today use recycled materials, not trees.

Nervous System Facts

Another point that Fiset makes is that deforestation can generate many jobs. She states that when environmentalists go against deforestation, it causes many people working with lumber products to lose those jobs (Fiset). When deforestation is looked at in perspective, is it of course worth it? people can all the time get up and find someone else job. When these people destroy the homes of millions, those animals have nowhere else to go. It is harder for animals to just go find a new home. It takes generations to adapt to new surroundings. When these workers lose their jobs there are many eco-friendly jobs that these workers could go into. For example, they could monitor the forests and wildlife instead of cutting down trees and destroying natural habitats. someone else job alternative is to work for a paper recycling company. Instead of cutting down trees, they can be rescue trees by recycling used paper. Instead of destroying natural habitats, these workers could be working for a firm that stands for something good.

Wildlife and Deforestation

Alzheimer's Disease Medications Fact Sheet Best

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Alzheimer's Disease Medications Fact Sheet Overview

Alzheimer's Disease Medications

Fact Sheet

Several prescription drugs are currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Treating the symptoms of Alzheimer’s can provide patients with comfort, dignity, and independence for a longer period of time and can encourage and assist their caregivers as well.

It is important to understand that none of these medications stops the disease itself.

Alzheimer's Disease Medications Fact Sheet Specifications

Alzheimer's Disease Medications

Fact Sheet

Several prescription drugs are currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Treating the symptoms of Alzheimer’s can provide patients with comfort, dignity, and independence for a longer period of time and can encourage and assist their caregivers as well.

It is important to understand that none of these medications stops the disease itself.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 30, 2012 14:50:19

Fiset believes that when clubs destroy a forest that they can of course make up for what they lost by planting more trees in the place of old ones (Fiset). When lumberjacks cut down trees, they cannot naturally just plant more trees and leave it at that. In one single forest there are assorted types of trees and it takes hundreds of years to generate a voluminous forest that largely supports biodiversity and all the wildlife residing in it. Ordinarily when forests are destroyed, clubs plants only one or two species of trees to make up for what they removed. determined animals need a definite tree to live or raise a family. When humans plant only one single tree, it might be hard for them to adapt, finally causing extinction. When natural habitats are demolished to nothing most animals get killed in the process or some of them flee. When the animals return, however, their home is thoroughly gone. For example, many birds that had nests in the different species of trees that were destroyed, now has to raise its family in an open field just asking for a predator to eat this birds offspring. This happens because they cannot adapt speedily sufficient to maintain themselves in this new tree. When a species goes extinct, there is no going back. Once they are gone, they are gone for good.

The last claim she makes is that destroying forests could help find more natural resources, such as oil, natural gas, and coal (Fiset). The automobile industry is starting a new revolution with more fuel effective and eco-friendly cars. The United States is gradually leaning away from natural, non-renewable resources. The effects from burning coal greatly impacted global warming with a dramatic decrease of O-Zone levels, which protect the Earth from harmful Uv rays from the sun. As a result, coal is not a major thing we should be looking for. There are so many other ways of electricity too. There is wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, hydraulic energy, and tidal wave energy. All of those energy sources do not have a need for natural resources, and they are all renewable and cause puny to no damage to the Earth. If deforestation keeps going down the road it is going, then many more species will be diminished.

In the Amazon forest, there are thousands of different organisms. One determined study done by scientists was to record how the stingless bee adapted with deforestation. According to the article, these determined species of bees are leading to not only the environment, but also with humans economically and culturally. Many people would say that bees are not important, but for people living in the Amazon and areas nearby the Amazon, bees are sacred. Some people even think these stingless bees as pets. The stingless bee produces honey which has a range of different uses. people can obviously eat the honey or use it in determined recipes and they can use it to make Balché, which is an alcoholic beverage. someone else benefit of these bees is to pollinate farmer's crops. If there are no bees, then there are no crops which yield food that farmers need to sell.

In a study done on these stingless bees, scientists went to different areas of the Amazon that were being affected by deforestation and collected the bees to see how they were adapting to deforestation. As a result, they found seven different species of stingless bees, but only two of those species seemed to not be affected by deforestation (McCoy and Mushinski). So that means five of species of the stingless bee is vulnerable for extinction. This is just one example of how deforestation can destroy a species.

Another example of animals at risk because of deforestation is the ring-tailed lemurs. These monkeys live in Madagascar, but since the human people has been addition rapidly in Madagascar clubs are clearing forests and destroying the lemur's habitat. Many scientists believe that lemurs are what make a rainforest salutary (Butler). There are only about 50 species left of lemurs. Deforestation is putting a lot of pressure on these lemurs living in Madagascar. The evidence proves that there are so many different kinds of species being affected by deforestation ranging from bees to monkeys.

Clearing trees to build farms, cities, and homes just destroys natural habitats. Those are just the former effects. There are other effects of deforestation that most people look past. One example of a secondary effect of deforestation is the pollutants brought in to the forest. When a firm is clearing an acre of forest, they bring trucks in that deposit harmful pollutants in the wildlife. Researchers have found that thousands of harmful chemicals are introduced to the natural environment that disrupt the nervous, immune, endocrine, and gravidity cycles of animals that come in feel with these chemicals (Hose and Guillette 87). This also has a major effect on endangered species, because when affected with these pollutants, it can be hard for them to reproduce. This means that the people of the endangered species will not go up not manufacture it difficult at all to go extinct.

However, there are some solutions humans can make to help forestall harmful products from entering a natural environment. One resolution can be to keep very close observations on the toxins exposed to the environment. This will limit how much chemicals can pollute the environment and will set gravidity cycles back on track. someone else resolution can be knowledge of the chemicals that are being distributed into these environments. Once people know how bad these chemicals of course are, then they might stop using them. The last resolution is to generate model ecosystems, like resumption facilities, to help reform the endocrine system (Hose and Guillette 88-89).

Although deforestation has greatly impacted the wildlife, there are a few organizations trying to help some of the animals struggling in the wild. These organizations generate resumption programs for animals on the brink of extinction. Scientists can measure the success rate of these facilities, and the success rate is Ordinarily very high. It is easier to measure success one installation at a time (McCoy and Mushinski). Deforestation may be destroying the lives of some animals, but when humans take puny steps towards helping the natural environment is one step closer to finally helping an endangered species.

There are many examples of how deforestation can be beneficiary, but a lot are naturally looking at what they can do for humans. Supporters want to destroy habitats to find natural resources which can and will destroy this planet. Global warming is prevalent, and deforestation is just adding more fuel to the fire. Also, when destroying an acre of forest, that is millions of animals homes being destroyed. When the homes of these animals that live in those forests that are being cleared everyday are gone, they have no security for themselves and their offspring. This is a major problem for biodiversity. Each day thousands of species become extinct drastically decreasing the Earth's biodiversity. Deforestation has many benefits to humans, but it is a huge problem for the natural environment.

Butler, Rhett A. "Lemurs are Key to health of Madagascar's Rainforests." Mongabay. 2008. 5 May 2009.
Fiset, Nathalie. "Benefits of Deforestation." Ezinearticles. 30 April 2009.
Hose, J.E. & Guillette, L.J. "Defining the Role of Pollutants in the Distribution of gravidity in Wildlife." Environmental health Perspectives 103 (1995): 87-91. Jstor. Western Illinois University Library. 02 April 2009
Brown, Christopher J. And Albrecht, Christian. "The work on of Tropical Deforestation on Stingless Bees of the Genus Melipona." Journal of Biogeography. 28.5 (2001): 623-634. Jstor. Western Illinois University Library. 02 April 2009
McCoy, Earl D and Mushinski, Henry R. "Measuring the Success of Wildlife society Restoration." Ecological Applications. 12.6 (2002): 1861-1871. Jstor. Western Illinois University Library. 02 April 2009

Wildlife and DeforestationEmbryonic Stem Cells Video Clips. Duration : 19.90 Mins.

An overview of early development of a zygote to an embryo. Embryonic and somatic stem cells.

Tags: biology, stem, cells, embryonic

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Building an ePortfolio Campus Culture

Building an ePortfolio Campus Culture Video Clips. Duration : 38.83 Mins.

Maggie Beers, Ph.D., is Director of Academic Technology at San Francisco State University provides an introduction on Creating an EPortfolio Culture for the ePortfolio Day of Planning on August 13, which preceded the 2009 MERLOT International Conference.

Keywords: Education, eportfolio, MERLOT

Friday, January 27, 2012

Great Price for $28.95

The Nervous System: Webster's Timeline History, 2006 - 2007 Best

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The Nervous System: Webster's Timeline History, 2006 - 2007 Overview

Webster's bibliographic and event-based timelines are comprehensive in scope, covering virtually all topics, geographic locations and people. They do so from a linguistic point of view, and in the case of this book, the focus is on "The Nervous System," including when used in literature (e.g. all authors that might have The Nervous System in their name). As such, this book represents the largest compilation of timeline events associated with The Nervous System when it is used in proper noun form. Webster's timelines cover bibliographic citations, patented inventions, as well as non-conventional and alternative meanings which capture ambiguities in usage. These furthermore cover all parts of speech (possessive, institutional usage, geographic usage) and contexts, including pop culture, the arts, social sciences (linguistics, history, geography, economics, sociology, political science), business, computer science, literature, law, medicine, psychology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and other physical sciences. This "data dump" results in a comprehensive set of entries for a bibliographic and/or event-based timeline on the proper name The Nervous System, since editorial decisions to include or exclude events is purely a linguistic process. The resulting entries are used under license or with permission, used under "fair use" conditions, used in agreement with the original authors, or are in the public domain.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Great Price for $28.95

The Nervous System: Webster's Timeline History, 1982 - 1993 Best

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The Nervous System: Webster's Timeline History, 1982 - 1993 Overview

Webster's bibliographic and event-based timelines are comprehensive in scope, covering virtually all topics, geographic locations and people. They do so from a linguistic point of view, and in the case of this book, the focus is on "The Nervous System," including when used in literature (e.g. all authors that might have The Nervous System in their name). As such, this book represents the largest compilation of timeline events associated with The Nervous System when it is used in proper noun form. Webster's timelines cover bibliographic citations, patented inventions, as well as non-conventional and alternative meanings which capture ambiguities in usage. These furthermore cover all parts of speech (possessive, institutional usage, geographic usage) and contexts, including pop culture, the arts, social sciences (linguistics, history, geography, economics, sociology, political science), business, computer science, literature, law, medicine, psychology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and other physical sciences. This "data dump" results in a comprehensive set of entries for a bibliographic and/or event-based timeline on the proper name The Nervous System, since editorial decisions to include or exclude events is purely a linguistic process. The resulting entries are used under license or with permission, used under "fair use" conditions, used in agreement with the original authors, or are in the public domain.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 25, 2012 23:54:01

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lupus Rash as a base Sign of Autoimmune Disease

Lupus generates a wide range of symptoms and habitancy with the disease touch them at dissimilar intensities. Lupus involves abnormal action of the immune system. The dysfunctional immune system produces antibodies that turn against wholesome body cells and tissues (antinuclear antibodies). Some antibodies produced by the dysfunctional immune system can even alter the body's genetic material (anti-Dna antibodies). The abnormal action of the immune system can lead to the occurrence of various internal disorders (heart disease, pulmonary disease, kidney disease), disorders of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoporosis), disorders of the nervous system (brain disease) and skin diseases (lupus rash, erythematous lesions).

In spite of the fact that patients with the autoimmune disease commonly have dissimilar symptoms, rash is a base sign of lupus. Lupus rash is characteristic to both systemic and discoid forms of the disease and it is normally the first symptom to appear. Lupus is a persisting disease and its generated symptoms reoccur on a quarterly time basis. Although other symptoms may come and go, lupus rash is very persistent and difficult to overcome.

Nervous System Facts

Lupus rash commonly occurs on the body regions that are exposed to sunlight: scalp, face, neck and shoulders. However, the rash can also occur in other areas of the body (chest, back, palms and feet), in many cases accompanied by skin lesions. When it occurs on the face, lupus rash has a reddish, burn-like aspect. Sometimes the rash can even affect the moist tissues colse to the mouth and the nose. In the systemic form of the disease, lupus rash doesn't commonly involve skin scarring and it can ameliorate with curative treatment. Lupus rash tends to aggravate if the affected skin is exposed to the sun for long periods of time.

Lupus Rash as a base Sign of Autoimmune Disease

Panic Disorder: The Facts Best

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Panic Disorder: The Facts Overview

Panic disorder is a remarkably common psychological condition, characterized by sudden attacks of intense fear and panic. Approximately 3% of the population will experience some aspect of panic disorder during their lifetime. Incredibly distressing, it can have an adverse effect on most aspects of the person's life, especially if chronic.

This new edition of Panic Disorder: The Facts includes valuable new information on treatment and discusses the relationship between panic disorder and other anxiety conditions. It also assesses the evidence for the available treatments, drawing from the latest scientific research. Up-to-date information on the nature, symptoms, causes, theories, and treatment of panic disorder is provided, all in non-technical language. The chapters on treatment give a detailed account of psychological therapy and also discuss drug treatment. Numerous personal accounts are given throughout the book, highlighting various aspects of panic disorder and its treatment and management.

Though mainly intended for sufferers of panic disorder, and their families and friends, it will also be of interest to the general reader, and to health care workers.

Clearly written by two leading experts, the book is a valuable source of information for anyone affected by this disorder.

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In the discoid form of lupus, the rash occurs in dissimilar regions of the body and it affects larger patches of skin. Discoid lupus rash involves hyperpigmentation of the skin, exfoliation and the formation of crust. The skin lesions characteristic to discoid lupus erythematosus can affect deeper layers of skin and they normally heal with scarring. When it occurs on the scalp, discoid lupus rash can involve temporary or permanent hair loss (alopecia). If the rash is accompanied by intense scaling, papules and crust, the skin may heal with pronounced scarring.

Subacute cutaneous lupus rash commonly occurs in the body areas that are exposed to the sun. The rash increases in size and it forms circular, scaly patches. This type of lupus rash doesn't involve scarring, but it normally heals with hypo-pigmentation of the skin. Subacute cutaneous lupus rash can occur in both systemic and discoid forms of the disease and it commonly fades in the periods of remission. Although it can't be thoroughly overcome, this symptom can also be controlled through the means of curative treatments. When you have lupus rash, it is very important to avoid exposing the affected skin to sunlight. Also, you should avoid exposing the skin to irritants and chemicals, as they can seriously aggravate the rash.

Lupus Rash as a base Sign of Autoimmune DiseaseTYT Hour - March 11th, 2010 Video Clips. Duration : 49.35 Mins.

TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): www.youtube.com Read Ana's blog at: www.examiner.com Follow TYT on Twitter: twitter.com Join the TYT Facebook Fan Page: tinyurl.com Follow TYT on Google Buzz: www.google.com Check Out TYT Interviews www.youtube.com Watch more at www.theyoungturks.com

Tags: tyt, young, turks, cenk, uygur, ana, kasparian

Monday, January 23, 2012

113 Facts About Animal Cruelty

  1. Animals caught in traps can suffer for days before succumbing to exposure, shock, or attacks by predators.
  2. Traps often kill "non-target" animals, including dogs and endangered species.
  3. To cut costs, fur farmers pack animals into small cages, preventing them from taking more than a few steps back and forth.
  4. Crowding and confinement is especially distressing to minks- solitary animals who occupy up to 2,500 acres of wetland in the wild.
  5. The dissatisfaction of life in a cage leads minks to self-mutilate- biting their skin, tails, feet- or frantically pace and circle endlessly.
  6. "Peta investigators witnessed rampant cruelty to animals. Workers beat pigs with metal rods and jabbed pins into pigs' eyes and faces."
  7. Snakes and lizards are skinned alive because of the confidence that live flaying makes leather more supple.
  8. Piglets are separated from their mothers when they are as young as 10 days old.
  9. Once her piglets are gone, the sow is impregnated again, and the cycle continues for three or four years before she is slaughtered.
  10. Approximately 3 to 4 million cats and dogs- many of them healthy, young, and adoptable- must be euthanized in animal shelters every year.
  11. Cows produce milk for the same speculate that humans do- to nourish their young - but on dairy farms calves are taken away at 1 day old.
  12. 1 day old calves are fed milk replacements (including cattle blood) so that their mothers' milk can be sold to humans.
  13. Animals can suffer brain damage or death from heatstroke in just 15 minutes. Beating the heat is extra tough for dogs.
  14. Each year, roughly 10,000 bulls die in bullfights.
  15. Most cows are intensively confined, unable to fulfill their most basic desires, such as nursing their calves, even for a singular day.
  16. Cows are fed unnatural, high-protein diets-which comprise dead chickens, pigs, and other animals.
  17. Overall, factory-farmed animals, including those on dairy farms, produce 1.65 billion tons of manure each year.
  18. Kid goats are boiled alive to make gloves.
  19. The skins of unborn calves and lambs - some aborted, others from slaughtered pregnant cows - are considered "luxurious."
  20. About 285 million hens are raised for eggs in the Us. In tiny spaces so small they cannot move a wing.
  21. The wire mesh of the cages rubs off hens feathers, chafes their skin, and causes their feet to come to be crippled.
  22. Before 1986, only four states had felony animal cruelty laws.
  23. Glue traps cause terror and agony to any animals who touch them, leaving them to suffer for days.
  24. In one study, 70% of animal abusers also had records for other crimes.
  25. Sealers often hook baby seals in the eye, cheek, or mouth to avoid damaging their fur, then drag them over the ice to skin them.
  26. Arsenic-laced additives are mixed into the feed of about 70 percent of the chickens raised for food.
  27. Every year, nearly a million seals worldwide are subjected to painful and often lingering deaths, largely for the sake of fashion.
  28. Scientists appraisal that 100 species go extinct every day! That's about one species every 15 minutes.
  29. Every year in the Us, 50 million male piglets are castrated (usually without being given any painkillers).
  30. More than 15 million warm-blooded animals are used in investigate every year.
  31. The methods used in fur factory farms are designed to maximize profits, roughly all the time at the cost of the animals.
  32. To test cosmetics, cleaners, and other products, hundreds of thousands of animals are poisoned, blinded, and killed every year.
  33. In highly crowded conditions, piglets are prone to stress-related behavior such as cannibalism and tail-biting.
  34. Farmers often chop off piglets' tails and use pinchers to break off the ends of their teeth- without giving them any painkillers.
  35. For identification purposes, farmers cut out chunks of young pigs ears.
  36. Animals on fur farms spend their whole lives confined to cramped, filthy wire cages.
  37. For fur, small animals may be crammed into boxes and poisoned with hot, unfiltered motor exhaust from a truck.
  38. Engine exhaust is not all the time lethal, and some animals wake up while they are being skinned.
  39. Larger animals have clamps attached to or rods forced into their mouth or anus so they can be painfully electrocuted.
  40. Bird poisons assault birds' nervous systems, causing them to suffer seizures, erratic flight, and tremors for hours before dying.
  41. If you drink milk, you're subsidizing the veal industry.
  42. Male calves are often taken away from their mothers at 1 day old, chained in tiny stalls for 3-18 weeks, and raised for veal.
  43. After they are taken from their mothers, piglets are confined to pens until they are separated to be raised for breeding or meat.
  44. Although chickens can live for more than a decade, hens raised for their eggs are exhausted and killed by age 2.
  45. More than 100 million "spent" hens are killed in slaughterhouses every year.
  46. Forty-five states currently have felony provisions for animal cruelty. (Those without are Ak, Id, Ms, Nd and Sd.)
  47. Dogs used for fighting are chained, taunted, and starved to trigger greatest survival instincts and encourage aggressiveness.
  48. Dogs that lose fights (or refuse) are often abandoned, tortured, set on fire, electrocuted, shot, drowned, or beaten to death.
  49. Cows on midpoint goods 16 lbs of milk per day. With hormones, antibiotics, and genetic manipulation? 54 lbs a day.
  50. Humane medicine is not a priority for those who poach and hunt animals to obtain their skin.
  51. Alligators on farms may be beaten with hammers and axes, sometimes remaining known and in pain for 2 hours after skinning.
  52. Investigation of animal abuse is often the first point of collective services intervention for a family in trouble.
  53. A Canadian Police study found that 70 percent of citizen arrested for animal cruelty had past records of other violent crimes.
  54. Dog fighting and cock-fighting are illegal in all 50 states.
  55. Hoarding of animals exists in virtually every community. Well-intentioned citizen overwhelmed by animal overpopulation crisis.
  56. The consequences for hoarders, their human dependents, animals, and the community are highly serious- and often fatal for animals.
  57. Declawing is a painful mutilation that involves 10 amputations - not just the nails - but the ends of toes (bone and all).
  58. The long-term effects of declawing comprise skin and bladder problems and the gradual weakening of cats' legs, shoulders, and back.
  59. Declawing is both painful and traumatic, and it has been outlawed in Germany and other parts of Europe as a form of cruelty.
  60. Kangaroos are slaughtered by the millions every year; their skins are considered prime material for soccer shoes.
  61. Across the Us, 6 to 8 million stray and abandoned animals enter animal shelters every year, and about half must be euthanized.
  62. In California, America's top milk-producing state, manure from dairy farms has poisoned hundreds of quadrate miles of groundwater.
  63. Each of the more than 1 million cows on the state's dairy farms excrete 18 gallons of manure daily.
  64. Every year, the global leather industry slaughters more than a billion animals and tans their skins and hides.
  65. Elephants who achieve in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies.
  66. Every year, millions of animals are killed for the clothing industry.
  67. An immeasurable estimate of suffering goes into every fur-trimmed jacket, leather belt, and wool sweater.
  68. Neglect and abandonment are the most coarse forms of companion animal abuse in the United States.
  69. On any given day in the U.S., there are more than 65 million pigs on factory farms, and 112 million are killed for food each year.
  70. Every year, dogs suffer and die when left in a parked car- even for "just a minute" - parked cars are deathtraps for dogs.
  71. Dog owners: On a 78 degree F day, the temperature in a shaded car is 90°F, in the sun it can climb to 160°F in minutes.
  72. 98% of Americans reconsider pets to be companions or members of the family.
  73. For curative experimentation animals can be burned, shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved, addicted to drugs, and brain-damaged.
  74. Regardless of how trivial or painful animal experiments may be, none are prohibited by law.
  75. When valid non-animal investigate methods are available, no law requires experimenters to use such methods instead of animals.
  76. On midpoint it takes 1,000 dogs to utter a mid-sized racetrack operation. There are over 30 tracks in the United States.
  77. Female cows are artificially inseminated shortly after their first birthdays. Happy birthday!
  78. Birds don't belong in cages. Bored, lonely, denied the opening to fly, deprived of companionship...
  79. Many birds come to be neurotic in cages - pulling out feathers, bobbing their heads incessantly, and repeatedly pecking.
  80. According to industry reports, more than 1 million pigs die en route to slaughter each year.
  81. More than 100 million animals every year suffer and die in cruel chemical, drug, food and cosmetic tests, biology lessons, etc.
  82. Approximately 9 billion chickens are raised and killed for meat each year in the U.S.
  83. The industry refers to chickens as "broilers" and raises them in huge, ammonia-filled, windowless sheds with synthetic lighting.
  84. Some chickens spend their whole lives standing on concrete floors.
  85. Some chickens are confined to massive, crowded lots, where they are forced to live amid their own waste.
  86. Neglect/Abandonment is the most prevalent form of animal abuse (approximately 36% of all animal abuse cases.)
  87. Cows are treated like milk-producing machines and are genetically manipulated and pumped full of antibiotics and hormones.
  88. Foie gras is made from the grotesquely enlarged livers of ducks and geese who have been cruelly force-fed.
  89. The best way to save cows from the misery of factory farms is to stop buying milk and other dairy products. recognize soy!
  90. A typical slaughterhouse kills about 1,000 hogs per hour.
  91. The sheer estimate of animals killed makes it impossible for pigs' deaths to be humane and painless.
  92. Because of improper stunning, many hogs are alive when they reach the scalding hot water baths.
  93. 13% of intentional animal abuse cases involve domestic violence.
  94. Animal cruelty problems are citizen problems. When animals are abused, citizen are at risk.
  95. Instead of enhancing conditions for animals, the dairy industry is exploring the use of genetically manipulated cattle.
  96. More than half the fur in the Us comes from China, where millions of dogs and cats are bludgeoned, hanged, and bled to death.
  97. Millions of pounds of antibiotics are fed to chickens, who metabolize only about 20 percent of the drugs fed to them.
  98. The 3 trillion pounds of waste produced by factory-farmed animals every year is regularly used to fertilize crops.
  99. Chaining dogs, while unfortunately legal in most areas, is one of the cruelest punishments incredible for collective animals.
  100. Tens of thousands of horses from the United States are slaughtered every year to be used for horsemeat in Europe and Asia.
  101. Since the last horse slaughter plants in the Us were terminated in 2007, thousands of horses have been shipped to Canada/Mexico.
  102. Abusers kill, harm, or threaten children's pets to coerce them into sexual abuse or to force them to remain silent about abuse.
  103. There are no federal laws to regulate the voltage or use of galvanic prods on pigs.
  104. Forty-one of the 45 state felony animal cruelty laws were enacted in the last two decades.
  105. In the United States, 1.13 million animals were used in experiments in 2009, plus an estimated 100 million mice and rats.
  106. As a follow of disease, pesticides, and atmosphere changes, the honeybee citizen has been nearly decimated.
  107. Many studies have found a link in the middle of cruelty to animals and other forms of interpersonal violence.
  108. Cows have a natural lifespan of about 20 years and can produce milk for eight or nine years.
  109. A fur coat is pretty cool- for an animal to wear.
  110. Eighteen red foxes are killed to make one fox-fur coat, 55 minks to make a mink coat.
  111. Fur farmers use the cheapest and cruelest killing methods available: suffocation, electrocution, gassing, and poisoning.
  112. In addition to diarrhea, pneumonia, and lameness, calves raised for veal are terrified and desperate for their mothers.
  113. During Canada's each year market seal slaughter, as many as 300,000 seals are shot or bludgeoned.

Nervous System Facts

113 Facts About Animal Cruelty

The Nervous System: Webster's Timeline History, 1994 - 2000 Best

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The Nervous System: Webster's Timeline History, 1994 - 2000 Overview

Webster's bibliographic and event-based timelines are comprehensive in scope, covering virtually all topics, geographic locations and people. They do so from a linguistic point of view, and in the case of this book, the focus is on "The Nervous System," including when used in literature (e.g. all authors that might have The Nervous System in their name). As such, this book represents the largest compilation of timeline events associated with The Nervous System when it is used in proper noun form. Webster's timelines cover bibliographic citations, patented inventions, as well as non-conventional and alternative meanings which capture ambiguities in usage. These furthermore cover all parts of speech (possessive, institutional usage, geographic usage) and contexts, including pop culture, the arts, social sciences (linguistics, history, geography, economics, sociology, political science), business, computer science, literature, law, medicine, psychology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and other physical sciences. This "data dump" results in a comprehensive set of entries for a bibliographic and/or event-based timeline on the proper name The Nervous System, since editorial decisions to include or exclude events is purely a linguistic process. The resulting entries are used under license or with permission, used under "fair use" conditions, used in agreement with the original authors, or are in the public domain.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 23, 2012 19:00:23
113 Facts About Animal CrueltyAGEL OMEGA-3 Video Clips. Duration : 1.38 Mins.

Some Facts about Ω-3 Essential fatty acids (EFA) are essential to the nervous system, skin, and cardiovascular system, and play a significant role in metabolism. Because the body does not naturally synthesize EFA, we need some form of essential fatty acids in our daily diet to maintain optimal health. The essential fatty acid Omega 3 is prevalent in most fish oils and some plant oils. However, the natural fatty acids in these oils are highly unsaturated and thereby susceptible to oxidation, creating challenges in traditional delivery methods. Because of the oxidation factor, most fish oil products are unpleasant. To overcome this challenge, Agel has emulsified the Omega 3 fatty acids into its patent-pending suspension gel. The proprietary gel technology protects the critical nutrients in the Omega 3 while ensuring a faster, simpler, tastier, and more complete delivery system without the overpowering side effects. Not all EFA supplements are equal. Omega 3 fatty acids are primarily composed of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid). Both compounds are key contributors to the positive effects of Omega 3 and both are carefully preserved in Agel's new Omega 3 gel product. Major benefits of EFA are: Supports the cardiovascular system Provides essential building blocks for the brain and central nervous system Plays a part in cellular processes that are critical to the body Supports the body's natural inflammatory response Supports overall joint health With ...

Keywords: agel, OMEGA-3, agelworld, ageless, アジェル, ジェルサプリメント, MLM, ネットワークビジネス, 栄養補助食品, 日本上陸

Sunday, January 22, 2012

data On The condition Benefits Of Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium citrate is a mineral that helps over 300 metabolic reactions in the body. Magnesium Citrate helps bones to grow and develop. The mineral also helps to enunciate the muscles, the nervous system and the immune system. It helps to operate blood pressure, promotes heart health, and is a very good laxative. The mineral is used in the rehabilitation of constipation.

While most habitancy do not have a deficient estimate of magnesium citrate, some do. Signs of its deficiency in man would be indicated by nervousness, sugar and sweet cravings, and constipation. One might also be seen to have migraines, high blood pressure or hypertension, high Ldl cholesterol levels, lack of concentration, irritability, angina pain, congestive heart failure, and strokes have also been attributed to deficiency in magnesium citrate.

Nervous System Facts

Those who most often touch these deficiencies are the elderly, diabetics, women who are menstruating, oral contraceptive users, and habitancy who take diuretics (water pills). The important thing is if any of the above conditions are observed in someone, they should be checked out to rule out any other more serious causes.

data On The condition Benefits Of Magnesium Citrate

The Nervous System: Webster's Timeline History, 1982 - 1993 Best

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The Nervous System: Webster's Timeline History, 1982 - 1993 Overview

Webster's bibliographic and event-based timelines are comprehensive in scope, covering virtually all topics, geographic locations and people. They do so from a linguistic point of view, and in the case of this book, the focus is on "The Nervous System," including when used in literature (e.g. all authors that might have The Nervous System in their name). As such, this book represents the largest compilation of timeline events associated with The Nervous System when it is used in proper noun form. Webster's timelines cover bibliographic citations, patented inventions, as well as non-conventional and alternative meanings which capture ambiguities in usage. These furthermore cover all parts of speech (possessive, institutional usage, geographic usage) and contexts, including pop culture, the arts, social sciences (linguistics, history, geography, economics, sociology, political science), business, computer science, literature, law, medicine, psychology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and other physical sciences. This "data dump" results in a comprehensive set of entries for a bibliographic and/or event-based timeline on the proper name The Nervous System, since editorial decisions to include or exclude events is purely a linguistic process. The resulting entries are used under license or with permission, used under "fair use" conditions, used in agreement with the original authors, or are in the public domain.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 22, 2012 23:09:03

Side effects that can be experienced when taking magnesium citrate comprise stomach pain, nausea, gas, and/or diarrhea. There are more serious side effects that will require immediate curative rehabilitation if one experiences them. These comprise muscle weakness, a decrease or absence of bowel movements, blood in the stool, or mood changes, or evendizziness.

Over use of this supplement could also cause some serious problems. They are persistent diarrhea, dehydration, body mineral problems, and it may interfere with other medications along with over the counter medicine. Overuse of magnesium citrate, or any laxative effective drug, could cause dependency and damage to the bowels.

You should consult with a physician before using a laxative if you have allergies, stomach or intestinal problems, nausea or vomiting, blood in your stool or kidney disease. It should not be used in children under the age of two years because they are more prone to dehydration and they could become seriously worse. Do not use this when pregnant unless it is honestly essential and you have your physicians approval.

If you are in doubt as either magnesium citrate is for you, consult with your doctor. Be sure to tell him/her of any medications along with over the counter, that you may be taking. Your physician should also be informed of any curative conditions that might be worsened with its use and/or allergies.

We believe one should take this nutrient as part of a unabridged formula with the optimal dosage; this will give you the health you want and avoid the problems outlined above.

data On The condition Benefits Of Magnesium CitrateANNOUNCEMENT : Cryptomonadales & Cleanse Video Clips. Duration : 4.23 Mins.



Facts About Prenatal Brain improvement

There are clear things in and around us that occur on a regular basis. Nevertheless, as we spend some time over mental in information about those very things, they go on to surprise us. Something similar may happen as you get to know some facts connected to your baby before she is born.

Brain of the baby starts developing when the baby is in the womb. This is called prenatal brain development. When a baby is in the womb, the first 36 weeks are full of surprising developments that occur in the brain. In uncomplicated words, the baby begins to learn when she is not even born. You may be surprised after reading this fact but it is true that the studying process of your baby begins when you carry her.

Nervous System Facts

The first 36 weeks are full of some splendid developments of the brain of your baby. The taste buds begin to establish in a slow and sound process when the baby is of just nearly eight weeks. You will supplementary be surprised to know that your baby becomes able to taste all the foods that you take everyday. The baby can taste all the flavours of her mother's favourite foods as the taste buds establish slightly.

Facts About Prenatal Brain improvement

The Nervous System: Webster's Timeline History, 1982 - 1993 Best

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The Nervous System: Webster's Timeline History, 1982 - 1993 Overview

Webster's bibliographic and event-based timelines are comprehensive in scope, covering virtually all topics, geographic locations and people. They do so from a linguistic point of view, and in the case of this book, the focus is on "The Nervous System," including when used in literature (e.g. all authors that might have The Nervous System in their name). As such, this book represents the largest compilation of timeline events associated with The Nervous System when it is used in proper noun form. Webster's timelines cover bibliographic citations, patented inventions, as well as non-conventional and alternative meanings which capture ambiguities in usage. These furthermore cover all parts of speech (possessive, institutional usage, geographic usage) and contexts, including pop culture, the arts, social sciences (linguistics, history, geography, economics, sociology, political science), business, computer science, literature, law, medicine, psychology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and other physical sciences. This "data dump" results in a comprehensive set of entries for a bibliographic and/or event-based timeline on the proper name The Nervous System, since editorial decisions to include or exclude events is purely a linguistic process. The resulting entries are used under license or with permission, used under "fair use" conditions, used in agreement with the original authors, or are in the public domain.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 22, 2012 23:08:00

The next prenatal brain improvement stage is perhaps more surprising for you. The baby can hear your voice and she starts to recognise it when her faculty of hearing begins to develop. These are some very enthralling and important developments of the brain of your baby and she can recognise you even when she has not seen you.

The prenatal brain improvement starts when the baby is truly two to three weeks old. After she reaches the age of about four weeks, distinct sections of the baby's brain begin to mature. The distinct sections function in distinct ways and the baby starts studying more things. At the seventh week, some hormonal works begin to start. Before the completion of this seventh week, the baby's brain has no disagreement of a male or female.

For the baby of both the sexes, a traditional prenatal brain improvement follows base improvement procedures. As the baby is of nearly seven weeks, the hormonal reactions begin and the brain recognizes the baby's sex. The brain of a boy and the brain of a girl start developing at slightly distinct pace.

By twenty-five weeks, the brain develops at a faster rate. The neurons are grown by now and the nervous system of your baby starts working in a advanced level. She begins to remember the sounds. At the 30th week, the baby's brain grows tremendously and the baby begins to shape the memories. Finally, in the middle of thirty-six to forty weeks, your baby's brain becomes more advanced and the prenatal brain improvement helps her to recognize you and your voice. She can link the previous memories of her mother after she is born.

Facts About Prenatal Brain improvementTAG Video~ Video Clips. Duration : 0.55 Mins.

Might have to pause to read :3 Basically, learn 26 useless facts about me xD I TAG- Anyone, anything ,everyone,everythin that wants to do this :DDD -- more about geminis: What do we know about the typical Gemini personality? What symbolizes Gemini is the sign of twins. When looking at the sign, one will notice that one of the twins is light and the other is dark. These dualities are present in the Gemini as for everyone else with the zodiac signs. Light-Dark, Good-Evil, Master-Slave. Gemini is the one zodiac that actually orders its own personality around the lightness and completely disowns the darkness twin. The truth is that the Gemini individual finds unpleasant information very hard to accept. This causes the Gemini to run from bad news and search for something positive before the bad gets hold of them. The one thing about the Gemini is that they can stare for very long moments into shadows and not flinch. They will then be able to come back and report to you, where other zodiac signs will be drawn into the shadows and be lost. The Gemini personality is unable to decide and therefore experiences feverish nerves and also withdrawal periods. Their mind is always hard at work and they find that most of the time it is hard for them to shut off. It is this fact that denies them to clean out their nervous system and rest from exhaustion. One of the main traits of the Gemini twin sign is curiosity. They are always searching for activities and diversions to put life's puzzle ...

Keywords: fact, tag video, gemini, ladyatsumi

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Overactive Sympathetic Nervous principles - One of the Major Causes of inordinate Sweating

In the past curative professionals assumed that habitancy that suffered from the symptoms of inordinate sweating - at one time known as Hyperhidrosis - were nervous, anxious or stressed. It was carefully a psychological health that only in new years has been largely discredited. Study today shows, that over 60% of all habitancy that suffer from Hyperhidrosis have at least one close family member who also suffers from the same condition. This is clearly evidence that heavy perspiration is most likely an inherited, genetic health and that habitancy with original hyperhidrosis are no more susceptible to feelings of anxiety and stress than whatever else. These negative feelings in fact are the succeed of inordinate sweating rather than the origin of it.

Most curative experts believe that one of the major causes of Hyperhidrosis is an overactive sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is settled in the spine and linked to the internal organs, the blood vessels and the skin. Its functions include the regulation of many important functions of the body, such as the movement of food through the digestive system, the excretion of urine or the yield of sweat. Overactive Sympathetic Nervous System and inordinate Sweating. Whenever the sympathetic nervous system senses any growth in body climatic characteristic for any reason, it will send a signal to the millions of sweat glands through the nerve pathways of the body. Sweat - produced by the sweat glands - has a cooling succeed on the skin, rapidly reducing body temperature.

Nervous System Facts

In original Hyperhidrosis the nerve pathways come to be over-stimulated and the sweat glands produce more moisture than principal for decreasing the body temperature.

Overactive Sympathetic Nervous principles - One of the Major Causes of inordinate Sweating

Central Nervous System Diseases: Webster's Timeline History, 1930 - 2007 Best

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Central Nervous System Diseases: Webster's Timeline History, 1930 - 2007 Overview

Webster's bibliographic and event-based timelines are comprehensive in scope, covering virtually all topics, geographic locations and people. They do so from a linguistic point of view, and in the case of this book, the focus is on "Central Nervous System Diseases," including when used in literature (e.g. all authors that might have Central Nervous System Diseases in their name). As such, this book represents the largest compilation of timeline events associated with Central Nervous System Diseases when it is used in proper noun form. Webster's timelines cover bibliographic citations, patented inventions, as well as non-conventional and alternative meanings which capture ambiguities in usage. These furthermore cover all parts of speech (possessive, institutional usage, geographic usage) and contexts, including pop culture, the arts, social sciences (linguistics, history, geography, economics, sociology, political science), business, computer science, literature, law, medicine, psychology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and other physical sciences. This "data dump" results in a comprehensive set of entries for a bibliographic and/or event-based timeline on the proper name Central Nervous System Diseases, since editorial decisions to include or exclude events is purely a linguistic process. The resulting entries are used under license or with permission, used under "fair use" conditions, used in agreement with the original authors, or are in the public domain.

Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jan 22, 2012 03:33:11

Excessive sweating is a qoute that plagues countless habitancy worldwide. There is an efficient natural medicine for the health that doesn't just temporarily sacrifice sweating, it as a matter of fact treats the qoute and eliminates it.

Overactive Sympathetic Nervous principles - One of the Major Causes of inordinate SweatingSherlock Holmes -The Resident Patient Video Clips. Duration : 51.12 Mins.


Keywords: Sherlock Holmes, The, Resident, Patient